9 responses to “About

  1. I am interested in getting my husband, Chad into some sort of FREE elk hunt. He hunted for almost 14 years, but bagged nothing. It has been his goal to at least get ONE elk before he reaches the age of 50. (That’s in 2011!!) If you know of any..please let me know a.s.a.p. I want to give it to him for his 49th or 50th birthday. Thank you in advance! Jacqueline

  2. Hey there John,

    I am with BulkAmmo.com and we are a fairly new company- things are going well and I wanted to see if you’d be interested in doing an ammo review for us.

    We just started carrying a wider range of ammo brands and are trying to get the word out about it. If we shipped you a box, would you be willing to give it a fair try and post a review about it?

    Popular blogs like the following have done BulkAmmo.com product reviews for me in the past:

    If you are interested, which product/calibers can you review?

    Thanks and looking forward to working with you,
    Semper Fi

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