It Is True. Lon Horiuchi Endorses HS Precision Rifles!


Notorious FBI Sniper and ultimate faceless bureaucrat Lon Horiuchi is in the 2008 HS Precision Catalog praising their products and apparently on the payroll as some type of consultant.

In our photographed, fingerprinted, DNA Registered, Social Security Number world, there is NO publicly extant current photograph of a Government Employee who killed an unindicted, unarraigned, untried Woman, Wife and Mother as she held her infant in a remote mountain cabin.

No perp walk picture, no driver’s license photo, no conference attendee publicity pictures, nothing.

Free Republic Link here:

David Codrea Comments here:

Banking Collapse Imminent!

Grab your guns, grab your gold, grab your girl and get the heck out of Dodge! Change is coming.

Congress Check offers this commentary from Dr. Martin D. Weiss.

Tantalizing Excerpt:

Citigroup collapses! Banking Shutdown Possible
By Congress Check in Uncategorized on November 25th, 2008

Dr. Martin D. Weiss
Global Research
November 25, 2008

* Despite the U.S. government’s massive Citigroup bailout, it is going to be difficult for the global banking system to survive the shock to confidence for very long.

* Even if insured depositors do not pull out their funds, uninsured institutional investors are likely to run with their money, threatening to bring the system down.

* And alas, even if you have your money in a safe bank with full FDIC coverage, you could be adversely impacted.

How will the events unfold? That’s a massively complex question that demands an extremely cautious and thoughtful answer. That’s why, this past August, we devoted a full hour to this question in our “X” List video, naming the most likely candidates for bankruptcy. So let me review its primary conclusions and then take this discussion to the next level.

Complete Link:

ObamaNation Attorney General Designate Eric Holder 1999 Gun Control Testimony

Change is on the way. Stand by.

Update January 14,2009:

Since all the blogs have caught up with peril of the Holder nomination, I repost here on the Front Page the 1999 video of Eric Holder’s Congressional Testimony which I originally posted in November.

Update February 2, 2009:

Holder Confirmed as Attorney General
By John Stanton
Roll Call Staff
February 2, 2009, 6:42 p.m.
The Senate on Monday confirmed Eric Holder to become the first black attorney general, capping a prolonged but ultimately smooth confirmation process that saw little of the partisan fireworks some Republicans had hoped for.

Fox News:ObamaNation Policies=Food Shortages, Tax Revolt, Riots

So this guy has a good enough track record to go on Fox News and predict nationwide mischief and mayhem. Change is on the way. Standby.

Tantalizing Description from Youtube:

I was shocked that Fox would air such a segment.

They mentioned that before 2012:

1. America will be the first undeveloped country
2. Revolution, food shortages, riots, marches
3. Food instead of gifts for Christmas

J.D. Tuccille Reviews The Police War On Dogs

David Codrea’s fellow commentator J.D.Tucille at reviews the Police War On Dogs.

One problem J.D., the scenario you describe in your comments already occurred at Ruby Ridge when Federal Goons dressed in their finest Ninja Warrior Wannabe Gear shot the family dog which started a firefight with a teenager who was shot and killed in his turn which then led to the infamous Ruby Ridge Standoff. Consider this the fight that thuggery built. Soon to arrive in a neighborhood near you.

Tantalizing Excerpt:

That relationship has more disturbing implications. Given the familial connection so many people feel to their animals, and the proximity of so many pet shootings to private homes in which people live and keep whatever weapons they may own, it’s inevitable that killings of dogs will ultimately result in confrontations with people. Put bluntly, somebody is going to see a stranger in a blue shirt gun down Rover in the backyard and grab a shotgun to settle the score.

You can’t shoot down a family member without people reacting as if a family member has been shot down, no matter what the law or department policy may say.

Do police not understand where their actions inevitably lead? Or do they not care?

Complete Link:

Sarah Palin- A Heinlein Woman

L. Neil Smith offers his insight into the nature and character of Sarah Palin in his latest editorial

Tantalizing Excerpt:

The Crimes of Sarah Palin
by L. Neil Smith

Attribute to The Libertarian Enterprise

Perhaps as important, Palin isn’t some pallid East-coast hotel dweller, accustomed to room service, but a real human being, a real live female who can do all of the things listed in the song “I’m A Woman”—she can handle a rifle, hunt, fish, clean and cut up wild game, make something edible out of it, keep house, raise five kids, keep her husband interested since they were in high school together, plus run a city and run a state—and most of the things any human being should be able to do, according to The Notebooks of Lazarus Long.

In short, she’s a Heinlein woman.

Complete Link:

Imminent ObamaNation Worse Than Soviet Union

A Polish Refugee interviewed by the Ridley Report argues American Citizens are unprepared to live in the type of Black Market Economy that enabled average Poles to survive Communist Rule.

Tantalizing excerpt:

Polish defector says U.S. now worse than Soviet

Tony from Grafton, New Hampshire…once worked against Poland’s communist government. Now, he works for freedom here …and says the American collapse will be much uglier than that of the Soviet empire. This video was shot 10/26/08 and schedueled for 11/2 upload.

Patrol Officer Tasers Himself

From the FailBlog a short video about muzzle awareness and the four rules of gun safety.

Remember? Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target! Thank Heaven the negligent discharge did not hit a pedestrian passerby.

FailBlog link:

Fun With Homemade Wooden Track Vehicle

Great rainy day project with the kids.

Tantalizing Excerpt:
Wooden tank tread vehicle

This little tank tread vehicle I built more or less as an experiment back in 1985. I had been experimenting with wooden chains, and so decided to try a block chain made out of maple as a tank thread.

Complete Link:

Lee &Tiffany Lakosky Deer Hunt On Youtube!

It is nice to see some youngsters get their own show! Sure, they are bowhunters, but you can not have everything! Great narrative and production values. Watch early and watch often.

Tantalizing Excerpt:

In this clip from Scent-Lok’s Gettin’ Close, Lee and Tiffany Lakosky hunt whitetail deer in Iowa for 55 straight days! Gettin’ Close can be seen only on Outdoor Channel.