No Wait NYC Gun Permit



Blue Bloods, the Tom Selleck Police Drama we love to pillory here at the JohnJacobH blog
has provided America with yet another vignette of real world (?) gun control politics.

(Link to previous Blue Bloods harangue CLICK HERE)

Already filled with endless examples of nepotism and oligarchy in a fictional Police
Commissioner’s family at the top of New York City’s Cop Shop food chain,

[[(Tom Selleck, current Police Commissioner, is the son of the
former Police Commissioner, and HIS son is current lead Detective eventually to
be groomed as the future Police Commissioner.) [Wait, there is more. Tom Selleck’s
other son is a Patrol Officer and his daughter is District Attorney, eventually
destined to become highly placed Bureaucrat-In-Charge of some aspect of the Judiciary
in Gotham City)]]

a recent episode details a wonderful moment when the wife of Lead Detective Regan
seeks to bypass that nasty 90 day wait for a pistol permit by flashing her COMMISSIONERS

Yes, if this episode is to be believed, anyone who has access to the secret club of Commissioner
Courtesy Cards has but to wave this modern magic wand to receive all the privileges of rank
denied to ordinary mundanes trapped within the borders of Oz.

Rules for WE, but not for THEE

When you watch this video courtesy of NC Gun Guy notice the furtive glance of the
actress before she produces her magic get-out-of-red tape jail-free card.
A delightful touch and worthy of an Academy Award.

Who would not be afraid to let the great unwashed dumb masses learn not all rules
apply to all people?

Boston: ARE YOU STUPID??????


Really Boston? An entire city suspends an ENTIRE DAY of economic activity so a small Army of Police can take their sweet time looking for ONE PERSON?

It is not like you all just got up to go to the beach for the day.

Noooo, you all cowered behind your locked doors like some weird Zombie Apocalypse was underway.

What? You don’t have locks on your doors? Well, turn on the TV, maybe a bulletin will instruct you how to lean a chair up against the knob so perpetrators armed with EXPLOSIVES can not get in!

That will solve everything!

Jumping Jimney Cricket! Even snow storms have not crippled the entire city for an entire day!

A day of shame that will live in infamy!

The Great Beantown Hysterical Panic Attack!

In the London Blitz of 1940 Winston Churchill’s Government demonstrated to the world how to prevail over brutal adversity while under attack from hundreds of pounds of aerial bombs on a nightly basis with a firm resolve to continue the conduct of ordinary daily business.

In the Million Moron Marathon of 2013 ObamaNation’s Government demonstrated to the world how easy it was for two vandals to inflict millions of dollars in economic damage to an entire city with nothing more than ordinary kitchen cookware!

What fools these Bolshevik Liberals be! To what low estate have they brought the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave?

London Blitz Churchill 1940:

Feral Cop Gone Wild! (Again!)


It is just amazing…. when cops are not shooting dogs (their own and others),cows, veterans just off a midnight job shift, other cops and law enforcement or threatening teenagers, Concealed Carry Citizens, pedestrians, physically or mentally impaired individuals…. they walk into volatile situations as a complete menace to themselves and others before a single shot has been fired! CLICK LINK HERE

Today’s example, a SWAT Cop (those guys…. the highly trained, highly practiced special Super Cops who regular Cops call to do the heavy lifting) with a visibly non-functional rifle deployed in real time!

How is it possible to know the rifle is not ready for use? Because a very distinctive easily identified sight is mounted backwards. If anyone had bothered just once to look through the sight for a moment they would have known something was wrong. Immediately. We can only hope when that moment finally comes, presumably in the heat of a firefight, the officer will have the wisdom to hold his fire.

Nobody up or down the chain of command told him to get lost before he hurt someone, or questioned his preparation in the days, weeks or months leading up to the crisis, or even thought to tell anyone up or down the chain of command!

How many hunt clubs or target ranges would summarily remove an ordinary citizen who had a loaded rifle with a sight installed backwards demonstrating to one and all it had never even been dry fired?

This was NOT a simple mistake. It was, in fact, a very complicated one. Besides the reversed sight installation, the rifle was never inspected at a muster, it was never fired at a range, it was never adjusted for maximum performance by ANYONE, let alone the officer who carried it as his issue weapon.

Sigh. Coming soon to a Police Department near you….


The Duty To Assist

Today’s video highlights an important distinction between actual military combat veterans (in opposite corners of the country) and the armed thugs who populate the United States law enforcement culture – the ability to carry out a necessary assignment with honor and dignity.

Most American citizens have never met the two most important people who have an inordinate unwholesome influence over the course of their daily life – the Police Academy Trainer and the University Law Professor.

For better or worse, the Academy Trainer and the Law Professor almost single-handedly determine the actual street level application of law.

So, for example, in the case of Law Enforcement, We, the Trampled, are burdened with the unfathomable concept of “officer safety” which cheerfully countenances the summary execution of family pets and sucker punched pedestrians on the slimmest pretext in the course of an ordinary encounter all because 9 out of 10 Police Academy trainers agree it is “a good idea”!

Or, in the case of the accredited Attorney-at-law, entire philosophical constructs of principle and theory are completely ignored by the Law School establishment in favor of ‘stare decisis’ and case law!


Which brings us to today’s video of a California Sheriff cold cocking a citizen without shame in full public view and the soldier who immediately spotted the violation of protocol embodied therein.

Unlike the modern patrol officer modern combat soldiers enter truly hostile and dangerous environments with a lawyer on each shoulder who eagerly await any opportunity to condemn them for any misstep -intentional or accidental. They accept the hazard as part of the assigned duty and perform fearlessly.

Compare that mentality to the “officer safety culture” which escalates the smallest encounter into a life threatening situation.

Thank you soldier for your service to our country both on active duty and off.

Coincidentally William Norman Grigg discusses virtually the same topic in his current column on the excellent Pro Libertate blog:



Anne Dekins was a loud-mouthed party girl — or at least, that’s what the arrest warrant suggested. Whatever she may have done in the past, Miss Dekins was quietly minding her own business when Officer Samuel Bray found her on the street and began to haul her away.

Dekins wasn’t inclined to go quietly, and she put up a struggle. Her cries for help attracted the interest of several armed men led by an individual named Tooley, who confronted Bray and demanded to know what he was doing to the frantic woman. The officer produced his official credentials and insisted that he was making a lawful arrest for “disorderly conduct.” When witnesses disputed that description, Bray called for backup.

Tooley and his associates ordered Bray to release the woman, and then took action to enforce that lawful order. After Bray’s partner was killed in the ensuing struggle, Tooley and his associates were arrested for murder. The trial court threw out the murder charge, ruling that the warrant was defective. Since the arrest was illegal, the court pointed out, Dekins had a right to resist – and bystanders likewise had a right, if not a positive duty, to assist her. The defendants were eventually found guilty of manslaughter, but quickly pardoned and set free.

By trying to enforce an invalid warrant, Bray “did not act as a constable, but a common oppressor,” observed the trial court. Tooley and the other bystanders were properly “provoked” by the act of aggressive violence against Anne Dekins, and their forceful but measured response – first demanding that the abductor release the hostage, then exercising defensive force to free her – was entirely appropriate.

Lawless violence against the helpless “is a sufficient provocation to all people out of compassion” in any circumstance, observed the court, “much more where it is done under a colour of justice, and where the liberty of the subject is invaded….” In fact, an act of that kind carried out by a law enforcement official is nothing less than “a provocation to all the subjects of England.”

Brits Protest American Internet Censorship

American Legislative Tyranny is so out-of-control the British have begun to protest.

You know, England where they are subjects, not citizens, and under the thumb of the Official Secrets Act? Yeah, those British.

Seems at least one Brit is concerned about the implications of the Stop Online Piracy Act and provides some startling examples of how it will be applied with the aid of current examples.

His soliloquy is, of course, enhanced by that wonderful upper crust Monty Python accent that makes even the most droll topic seem somehow absolutely riveting – a good thing- since the people in the United States most likely to be immediately affected by this legislation would be, of course, your local gun blogger, 2nd Amendment RKBA Activist.

Yes, David Codrea would no longer have to plead with his readers to “share the link” because there would no longer be a link to share.

As far as the need to share this link, it has already gone from 2,000 + this morning to 255,000+ as I write this.

Thank Heaven for British diction! Enjoy!

Cops Shoot Cow


Good Grief! Tired of shooting dogs as they cower in their crates, Police have a new hobby –shooting cows with their issue sidearms.

Is it possible to humanely take down a 1500 pound cow with a Glock 40?

Maybe, with a precision shot to break the spine near the shoulder followed with a shot through the center of the head. Not exactly what this Cop did or tried to do! Sheesh!


A YouTube video of Gatineau police opening fire on an escaped cow has raised questions about their treatment of the animals.

Gatineau police said two cows were headed for the slaughterhouse when they broke free from a truck Thursday, leaving them no choice but to shoot them dead.

Hitler Discovers Operation Gunwalker

Okay, I left Gunwalker in the hands of the competent, “serious”, “professional” bloggers for over ten months and made no public comment as child of a lesser blog, but *THIS* is funny!!

The Great Reset

Show of hands. Everyone ready to impeach ObamaNation yet? There is no time “to wait” for an election or a conference or some infernal Politburo Super Congressional Committee. Seize the day or suffer the consequences. Speak up or forever hold your peace. We can no longer afford the luxury of Rule By Kaskistocracy!


Tantalizing Excerpt:

The Shape of Things To Come (July 8, 2011)

The Great Reset could take many forms. The only certain thing is that today’s profound political disunity and our destabilizing financial Plutocracy will force a crisis.

Today we have several types of political disunity. Superficially, the two “political theater” wings of the Demopublicans stage a bitter partisan war over whose vision of the U.S. as a “Plutocracy, but with benefits” holds an increasingly enfeebled political power.

The real disunity is between a doomed Status Quo and those willing to deal with reality. Right now those willing to deal with reality are few, but they have the distinct advantage of reality on their side, while the Status Quo has only propaganda, artifice, phony political theater and empty promises.

Anthony Martin offers his analysis of Black Monday:


Tantalizing Excerpt:

America could well be headed for a dreaded ‘black Monday’ on August 8. The term ‘black Monday’ was coined to denote a precipitous drop in the stock market. Today, however, the stock market is not always an accurate gauge of the health of the economy, particularly when super-billionaires such as George Soros bet on plunges in the market and invest their money accordingly. Thus, black Moday on August 8 may or may not involve a steep decline in stocks, although many believe that is precisely what will occur.

A more realistic scenario would involve the following:

1. The costs of auto loans, mortgages, student loans, and other types of lending will increase dramatically, meaning that interest rates on these loans will rise. Even a rise of half a percentage point in the interest rate would mean mortgage rates on a home costing $175,000 will increase on average by $19,000 dollars.

2. The costs for goods and services will rise.

For extra credit read just one of many Looter think-pieces floating around the Internet.


Tantalizing Excerpt:

Economic Collapse & Security: I Am Your Worst Nightmare

By Jeff T.

I am the leader of a band of 8-to-12 looters. I have some basic military training. We move from place to place like locusts devouring everything in our path. My group is armed with light weapons and can develop and follow simple plans of attack. We take what we want by force of arms. We prefer none of our victims survive because that could cause problems for us in the future. It has been six months since the grid went down. You and the other five members of your party have settled into what may be a long grinding existence. The every day tasks of growing and gathering have now become routine. The news from the outside is extremely limited but you don’t really miss it much. Life is simple but physically demanding.

Although things may seem stable you will need to keep your team focused and alert. This is your first and most important layer of defense. You should hold an immediate reaction drill once per week. Keep things simple. Practice a specific response to such threats as injury, fire, attack and evacuation. Despite the challenges you must maintain contact with those around you such as neighbors for vital clues that trouble is brewing. Regular monitoring the radio will be critical in providing an early warning of trouble. You may be able to safely interview refugees with risking your party. Keep in mind the information you get from them may not always be reliable.

While you have been farming I have been learning the best tactics to employ to seize your property and your goods. I have been refining them since we hit the road right after the lights went out. I have conducted eight “hits” so far and have been successful seven times. Here are some of my “lessons learned”.

William Norman Grigg- Oslo Bomber

Over at Pro Libertate William Norman Grigg brings his usual insightful analysis to the events of the past few days in Norway.



Roughly a decade ago, Al Pacino starred in a movie entitled S1m0ne, a cyber-era updating of the Pygmalion myth in which a film director creates an uncannily realistic digital actress. Despite the fact that “Simone” was a computer-rendered composite fantasy, the lustrous blond enchantress becomes a global pop culture sensation – a profitable illusion sustained through increasingly desperate acts of misdirection on the part of the director.

It’s tempting to think that accused Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik is a S1m0ne-style digital fantasy drawn to specifications provided by Morris Dees’ so-called Southern Poverty Law Center. Breivik used social networking sites to create a cyber-persona seemingly made to order for left-leaning “watchdog” groups. Available photographs depict the blond, stereotypically Nordic Breivik as if he were a dress-up doll, his face oddly unmarked and expressionless as he poses in a variety of guises – including Freemason garb and a scuba outfit.

In similar fashion, his recorded ideological pronouncements – the quotes attributed to him in the aftermath of the killing spree in Oslo and Utoya, and his bloated “manifesto” – could be the work of someone determined to embody every detail of the familiar caricature of the right-wing “hate criminal.”