Happy New Year!

Skinny Moose explains Mincemeat Pie over on his blog:


Tantalizing Excerpt:

With plenty of venison in the house what to make for Christmas? I knew it would have to have venison in it so that’s when I decided to try to make a Mincemeat Pie for Christmas.
Never heard of mincemeat? Well it is an old pie that is older than our country, and probably was made by some of the first settlers to travel over from England.

Mincemeat developed as a way of preserving meat without salting or smoking some 500 years ago in England, where mince pies are still considered an essential accompaniment to holiday dinners just like the traditional plum pudding. This pie is a remnant of a medieval tradition of spiced meat dishes, usually minced mutton, that have survived because of its association with Christmas. This pies have also been known as Christmas Pies. Mince pie as part of the Christmas table had long been an English custom.

Brits Protest American Internet Censorship

American Legislative Tyranny is so out-of-control the British have begun to protest.

You know, England where they are subjects, not citizens, and under the thumb of the Official Secrets Act? Yeah, those British.

Seems at least one Brit is concerned about the implications of the Stop Online Piracy Act and provides some startling examples of how it will be applied with the aid of current examples.

His soliloquy is, of course, enhanced by that wonderful upper crust Monty Python accent that makes even the most droll topic seem somehow absolutely riveting – a good thing- since the people in the United States most likely to be immediately affected by this legislation would be, of course, your local gun blogger, 2nd Amendment RKBA Activist.

Yes, David Codrea would no longer have to plead with his readers to “share the link” because there would no longer be a link to share.

As far as the need to share this link, it has already gone from 2,000 + this morning to 255,000+ as I write this.

Thank Heaven for British diction! Enjoy!

Texas Tall Tale (With Dynamite!)

There was a time I would have taken this type of story with a grain of salt.

But then my buddies brother went up into the mountains to excavate a basement under his wife’s cabin retreat.

Yes, it did involve dynamite. Yes, hijinks ensued.

Seems when some people get around dynamite the crazy switch goes on in their brain.

So if this story is not exactly true, it should be, and it probably resembles something that actually happened.

A Texas Tall Tale as told by a Tall Texan.
