Cops Shoot Cow


Good Grief! Tired of shooting dogs as they cower in their crates, Police have a new hobby –shooting cows with their issue sidearms.

Is it possible to humanely take down a 1500 pound cow with a Glock 40?

Maybe, with a precision shot to break the spine near the shoulder followed with a shot through the center of the head. Not exactly what this Cop did or tried to do! Sheesh!


A YouTube video of Gatineau police opening fire on an escaped cow has raised questions about their treatment of the animals.

Gatineau police said two cows were headed for the slaughterhouse when they broke free from a truck Thursday, leaving them no choice but to shoot them dead.

Bozos Occupy Raleigh

NC Gun Guy posts a video about the clowns who came to Occupy Raleigh.

Governor Beverly Perdue, (Nitwit,NC) who is already on record in favor of suspending elections and has repeatedly botched State Of Emergency decrees gave her tacit support for the Moron Movement from her office a few hundred yards away. Who else but a card carrying Bolshevik would put up with this nonsense week in and week out?


For two weeks a bunch of out-of-town nitwits parked,puked and encamped in front of the Office of Head North Carolina Nitwit Governor Beverly Perdue (really, she could smell the puke from her office window….
with the blessing of both incoming and outgoing Bolshevik Mayor(s) of Raleigh.

No concern was demonstrated by anyone involved for the size of their carbon footprint or the NEED TO RECYCLE the entire time.

Gaia was, no doubt, not amused.

Hitler Discovers Operation Gunwalker

Okay, I left Gunwalker in the hands of the competent, “serious”, “professional” bloggers for over ten months and made no public comment as child of a lesser blog, but *THIS* is funny!!

Bureaucrat Bully Signs

In a comment to my previous post about signs, NC Gun Guy offered some signs he encountered.

A very interesting collection to say the least. Our society is infested with tinpot potentates from all levels of Government-Federal, State, and local!


Behold the 21st Century! Bureaucratic Sign Bullies post edicts everywhere.

Frequently without statute or regulatory authority cited the signs just require compliance from one and all.

The Education Building in downtown Raleigh has one of the most impolite and draconian edicts of any government building in the city.

What top secret secrets do they protect to require taxpayers to identify themselves to anonymous bureaucrats just to enter the lobby?


TOP SHOT McMillan TAC-50

Dustin Ellerman

Holy Mackerel!

Another TOP SHOT Spectacular!

From start to prone, self-educated marksman and Christian Camp Counselor Dustin Ellermann loaded, cocked and hit a moving target at 500 yards with a McMillan TAC-50 in 8.22 seconds!

That, my friend, is shooting! You must see this to believe it!

Did I mention winds were blowing in the 25 mph range?

Lest you think this was some kind of fluke, three other competitors shot the same course between 9-12 seconds.

And of course, one guy took five minutes and 14 cartridges.


Pull Up Your Pants!

From The-Way-Things-Ought-To-Be file….. signs at a small gas station from my travels. Enjoy.
(With Permission)