Mr.Spock Says Nuke The Arctic Icecaps!

Yee Haw!!!! …….. It’s on Youtube! ………. It’s on Youtube!

For YEARS I reminisced to skeptical associates about “IN SEARCH OF” –The LOST Episode!!

No less than Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock to you Trekkies) hosted a documentary style TeeVee show which featured a wide variety of strange topics back in the late 1970s/early 1980s.

With subjects that ranged from UFO’s to secret Ancient Egyptian technology the shows were a wacky mixture of fringe theory gossip and slick propaganda.

Arguably the slickest of slick propaganda dealt with….. (are you safely seated??) …. The Coming Ice Age!

Yes! Long before Al Gore, Leonard Nimoy was deeply enamored with climate change mythology, BUT from the Global Cooling Side of the Equation!

Frankly, Al Gore could take some lessons from a professional!

The Coming Ice Age begins on a hysterical note (complete with ominous bassoon in the opening tease) and escalates into pure panic in just twenty minutes (of broadcast time)!

After We, the Audience, have been lectured about perpetual snow in Mississippi, the collapse of food production in the San Joaquin Valley, the loss of grazing land in the mid-west; total crop loss in Kansas, Indiana and Idaho, and chiiiiildren freezing to death alone, hungry and in the dark….. the prospect of nuking the Arctic to melt ice caps seems down right reasonable!

And if that does not work, it might still be possible to spread black soot over large tracts of ice so the sun will melt it for us!

It is all very scientific, dontcha know!!

Really! A 20th Century Classic! Must-see TEEVEE!

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