NC Governor Instructs Storytime Toddlers in Antifa Riot Tactics

A North Carolina Politics update from Raleigh Constituent. Enjoy. JJH

Dear John Jacob,

Fresh from the evening news broadcast Governor Roy Cooper reads to preschool youngsters during
story time. This screenshot IS NOT PHOTOSHOPPED! Deliberately displayed on camera is the Governor’s choice for a story to read out loud. The ultimate Freudian Slip!

Bemusedly yours,
Raleigh Constituent

Raleigh has become disgusting

A Corona Covid 19 update from Raleigh Constituent. Enjoy. JJH

Dear John Jacob;


Raleigh has become disgusting.

If just one more 20/30,yea even 40 something snowflake millennial zombie sticks his grubby hand into the pocket where he keeps an open package of milk duds and pulls out some nasty snot encrusted single use laboratory mask to virtue signal how much he cares about the WuHU flu I may have to break social distance rules to vomit on his strapless open toe flip-flops.

These kids may not catch COVID 19 germs but they sure as hell will soon get sick from some Gadawful disease or disfiguring ailment.

What exactly is this all about?

First we get lockdowns- self incarceration / house arrest – with all the joy and wonder of no income combined with the isolation only possible when confined to some urban box far from our home on the range where the deer and the antelope play.

Next we get masks to undergo what can only be charitably described as self infection.

Your body is working as hard as possible to expel as many germs as possible as far away from your sensitive respiratory tract as possible and you are required to don a cone shaped container to make sure as many of those germs are as concentrated and reinhaled as often as possible?


And who is pushing this agenda? DOCTOR Mandy Cohen- living proof there is never a serial killer around when you need one.

How did this woman manage to survive to adulthood? Surely someone somewhere in her past must have had an irresistible urge to throttle her in the middle of one of her insufferably inane lectures about ANYTHING.

An out of town expert hired as Director of North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) and on the job for little more than two years DOCTOR Cohen suddenly has the power to single handedly wreck the entire economy of the formerly Great State of North Carolina?

Anyone who can listen to her for more than 5 seconds ( other than native born North Carolina Governor Goober Cooper ) is clearly a few bricks shy of a load themselves…. or not.

There seem to be thousands of these free range zombies wandering all over the streets of Raleigh wearing masks and glowering at people who refuse to self infect on demand.

The numbers make absolutely no sense. In a State with a population of 10 million people fewer than 1 percent have been infected with WuHU Flu and far fewer have died if you can even trust those numbers.

North Carolina is hardly awash in hot spots. How about leave the unaffected areas alone and allow people to continue in their daily affairs unmolested by arbitrary edicts?

And then in the middle of WuHU Flu idiocy come now the George Soros Occupy goons.

178 downtown Raleigh businesses vandalized,incinerated and looted while Mayor Mary Antoinette Baldwin & Company sit in their Tofu filled Ivory Tower and negotiate underhanded back room deals with big money from around the country and the world.

City contracts have become the ATM Teller Machine for ailing businesses all over America. You want to rebuild the sidewalk ADA corner ramps for the 5th time in 10 years? Raleigh has a contract for you.

And always remember and don’t ever forget Fire Station #6 at the corner of Fairview and Oberlin Rd. Under construction for at least four years, there is no doubt still time for anyone to bid on the marble gargoyle roof statuary for this BEEYOUTEEFULL Taj Mahal of fire stations.

Meanwhile actual North Carolinians sit in the ashes of their former prosperity and wonder “What the heck to do now?”

According to Governor Goober “we are all in this together”. Somehow, he has yet to suspend HIS pay and benefits into perpetuity or even for the duration. Same thing with DOCTOR Mandy Cohen. Come on guys, we are all in this together.


I hope things work out well. This ain’t the City or even the North Carolina I used to know and love.

With heavy heart,
Raleigh Constituent

Welcome Professor Doom!

Professor Doom explains campus politics on his blog. Tonight’s contribution clears
up some confusion about campus riots and banned speakers. Apparently the problem is
not scholarship, the problem is money…in the form of student loans.

For the full text CLICK LINK HERE

Firewood Burn: Hypocrisy of the Social Elites

Canadian Common Sense

(Image Credit: (Image Credit:

“In other words, even though wood is a renewable resource that could reduce our dependency on fossil fuels, it is being systematically outlawed by the authorities.”

This is the third consecutive winter that I’ve heated my home with firewood. We’ve got two stoves, the big one in the basement and the little one upstairs that takes the edge off when it’s -40°C. We don’t burn oil, propane or natural gas. Nor do we use any heaters powered by electricity.

Not only has this saved my family thousands of dollars for our winter heating bill, this oldest of old technological practice of burning firewood still works even if the lights go dark.  Living in a rural area, we are prone to frequent blackouts and rolling outages.

What we save in dollars does cost us in time; it is a long process to block, split, stack and bring…

View original post 381 more words

Dennis Rogers Owns a Gun Too!


It must be that time of the year! Raleigh Constituent arrives with a new tale of mischief and
mayhem from the Capital City of North Carolina…..

Dear John Jacob;

Remember Raleigh News & Observer Columnist Barry Saunders?

The celebrity cheerleader who never saw a gun control idea he did not embrace
unless it violated the JaneFondian precept of “Rules For Thee, BUT Not For ME?

His reputation as a gungrabber was, ahem, slightly tarnished when he let it
slip that he, in fact, owned a gun, but was not really heavily trained in
conscientious weapon manipulation.

Barry Saunders Owns a GUN LINK HERE

It may be hard to remember Gun Control Barry because the News & Observer has
diligently scrubbed his gun control columns from the Internet.

(See for yourself GRNC LINK HERE )

Annnnnyway, the News & Observer has once again published YET ANOTHER gun control
homily and retired News & Observer Emeritus Columnist Dennis Rogers has stepped
into the cheerleader role on Facebook.

News & Observer Column Link Here

Dennis Rogers steps up to the plate with Facebook praise for Raleigh News & Observer Editorial:


EXCEPT for one small detail:

In 1998 Dennis Rogers openly admitted he kept at least one (or more!) loaded guns
around his house (WITH NO SAFETY).

Yes, Mr. Rogers joins the vast overwhelming majority of Democrats who were for an idea
before they were against it. (Known on the street as a flip flopper)


Gosh, I love this town!

Bemusedly yours,
Raleigh Constituent

RINOS Unmasked!


Raleigh Constituent drops by to bombard us all with observations from the eye of the
storm —-the most expensive Senate Race in the country……


Dear John Jacob,

The Almighty must love Bolsheviks else why populate the Earth with so many and give them
such sway over public discourse?

Neatly sandwiched between the Devil Worship Season of Halloween and The Shopping Season of
Merry Thanksgivingmas comes the biannual Silly Season of Elections here in the Sovereign
State Of North Carolina.

The air is electric with a kaleidoscope of emotions which range the gamut
from MEH… to BLEH… to YUCK! as campaign signs bloom and blossom along the highways
and byways and causeways and fairways of the fair City of Raleigh.

Bolsheviks can be spotted in all flavors and colors on local televisor screens as
they spout the quaint aged rhetoric of the 20th Century Overlord Oligarchy.

The familiar Red Diaper and Blue Dog Democrat Bolsheviks are plentiful as they tool
along newly painted bicycle lanes that now clog all major arteries (North, East, South and West)
on their 19th Century velocipedes or cruise the main lane in their glorified electric
Prius golf cartmobiles.

Rino Republican Bolsheviks can often be spotted in both Redneck and Business Suit varieties.
The Rednecks, of course, drive upper end Crew Cab pick up trucks equipped
coal roll pipes ( while the Business Suit types proudly prance in
Cadillac Escalade Tax Deductiblemobiles.

This year North Carolinians have been blessed with rare sightings of a Libertarian Bolshevik
in the person of one Sean Haugh.

A dead ringer for the geriatric version of Mad Magazine’s Alfred E. Neuman ” What me worry kid?”
Mr. Haugh’s stump speeches include the wonderful Communist tropes: “Stop all war” and “You will
not bring a gun into my house”.

So after decades of bipartisan suffocation at the ballot box and in public debates Libertarians
finally get a candidate sandwiched at the dais between Thom Tillis and Kay Hagan and his message
is “Try to spot the difference between me and Stalin?”

And even with THAT message Haugh’s GRNC 2nd Amendment rating is 4 Stars over Thom Tillis’s 3 Stars!


But I digress.

This month’s REAL NEWS, proves, once again, there is always time for another round
of Whack-A-Mole especially in the middle of election season.

Even as Senate Candidate Thom Tillis struggles to appeal to the Conservative base in spite of his
RINO record in the State Senate up pop RINO Governor Pat McCroy and Agriculture Secretary Steve
Troxler to sabotage the Tillis campaign with a completely absurd brouhaha about concealed carry
on the State Fair Grounds.

Apparently a provision in the Restaurant Carry Statute enacted almost exactly a year ago
requires removal of all Gun Ban Signs from said State Fairgrounds.

Sooo, one would think RINO Republican Agriculture Secretary Troxler would have the wisdom to
duck the issue until after election by

A. Quietly removing the offending signs without a word to anyone.


B. Give some bogus bureaucratic stonewall statement such as:Posting policy is under review by Legal Staff.

But noooo, one would think wrong!

McCroy and Troxler trip all over themselves in a joint effort to repeat Beverly Perdue’s Dove
Season debacle from legal absurdities past. (

They insist it is possible to pick fly turds from black pepper carefully enough to prove
Restaurant Carry does NOT apply to the State Fair Grounds even though the language plainly DOES apply!

A perfect replay of the logic the hapless Governor Perdue used to insist her emergency declaration
DID NOT cancel Dove Season even though it plainly did! (

People outside North Carolina should understand the State Fair mimics the Roman Tradition
of Bread and Circuses at the height of their Empire.

The annual fair is the State’s Largest Vote Buying Shindig. Attendance has consistently
been nearly a million visitors for the past decade.

Aggravate enough people about some minor issue at the fair and they WILL remember a week
later when they vote.

So only a few questions remain in the minds of the great unwashed masses of frayed collar
taxpayers in the Tarhell State.

1. What new innovative technique will Succubus Bolshevik Democrats use to steal an election
that should be a nailed down, glued-in-place, painted over lead pipe cinch victory for Conservatives?

2. What new innovative technique will cud chewing ungulate RINO Republicans use to snatch
defeat from the certain jaws of victory THIS time?

Will Zombie Rommey prevail with his Etch-a-Sketch campaign support?

Will Karl Rove’s Pat Boone phone call brigade turn the tide? (Seriously, Pat Boone is alive
and well and recording robocalls!)

Will the election pivot on the 4 AM late return ballot count from MagicCountem County?

Or will the Hanging Chad recount from legions of carpet bagger condominium commandos supply
the decisive blow?

Only time will tell. ONLY TIME will tell. Tune in Tuesday November 4th for the exciting conclusion.

GOBS (Good ole Bolsheviks) to the left of us, GOBS (Good ole Boys) to the right,
here we are, stuck in the quagmire again!

May the farce be with you!

Bemusedly yours,

Raleigh Constituent

Players Retreat: When Liberals Collide!



Players Retreat Webpage CLICK HERE

Players Retreat Facebook Page CLICK HERE

Another fine tale of mischief and mayhem from the Capital of North Carolina courtesy of correspondent RALEIGH CONSTITUENT:

Players Retreat: When Liberals Collide!

Dear John Jacob;

You may have heard back in July a Purse Fight Royale’ broke out here in Raleigh at Player’s Retreat- a vintage local eatery some 60 years old- in regard to the topic of Concealed Carry.

The fuss began when newbie red diaper Liberal City Democrats faced off with the only implacable enemy they really have here in North Carolina- local yellow dog Country Democrats. Needless to say when these two paws of the same weasel engage in a philosophical shadow boxing match hijinks ensue.

At least one Dummiecrat always limps away with a black eye and bloody nose; similar to the throwdown that just unfolded in the Colorado Recall elections.

For six decades Players Retreat has been the Southern Redneck answer to the Irish Pub; the British Tavern; the German Beer Hall; or even the Super Max Prison Cafeteria with a touch of Biker Bar or Longshoreman Waterfront Dive thrown in for some additional zest.

This fine establishment was founded in 1951 when Raleigh was a true sleepy little College Town with few alternatives for after work entertainment, so the PR, as it is known, became the venue of choice for everyone including the Governor; the White Shoe attorney crowd; blue collar workers and even incoming freshman from the campus of what is now known as North Carolina State University. A true egalitarian mix of all social classes.

Nowadays under the current management of one Gus Gusler the interior ambiance has remained remarkably unchanged from earlier times – right down to the boxy wooden florescent light fixtures with trademark red bulbs and open unshielded egg crate decorative grates that trap and hold every last greasy dust bunny loose enough to float up into the half inch squares.

Why a gooey hairball never drifts back down from these ancient fixtures into the admittedly excellent food and drink served by Mr. Gusler is just part of the mysterious charm of the place.

Mr.Gusler’s big innovation has been to gentrify the menu with a fine contemporary selection of local craft beers, an exceptional assortment of upscale sipping liquors and he will even serve his clientele “Watermelon Cucumber Gazpacho with Pickled Shrimp” at their request – a far cry from the hearty robust Bernie Burger with a side of fries and a cold bottle of Miller served as yesteryear’s daily special .

So that was the state of affairs in July when the situation got a little dicey because plucky 2nd Amendment Activists at Grass Roots North Carolina managed to push through a “restaurant carry” bill in the General Assembly to legalize possession of pistols in venues which serve alcohol provided the Pistol Permit Holder does not drink.

For some reason this legislation did not sit well with Mr. Gusler, and he immediately took to Facebook to issue a swift and draconian response. He threatened to install a metal detector at the entrance to his establishment!

And THAT is when the fur began to fly!

Come to find out some of his trusted Communist fellow travelers admitted IN WRITING to possession of concealed weapons in his establishment right under his nose for the past decade regardless of current law or statute!

With their written confession in his possession Mr. Gusler did not hesitate to turn on his loyal clientele and publicly brand them as criminals!

The allegation of criminal behavior did not sit very well with said clientele and one clienteleee immediately and publicly reminded Mr. Gusler his establishment MIGHT be guilty of serving alcohol to underage drinkers and “overserving” patrons who may have already passed their limit of alcohol consumption.


The shouting match stopped just short of summoning a code compliance visit from the Health Department to check overall sanitation and hygiene on the premises.

After all, good liberals must stick together and paper over their differences to let the good times roll!

Now outside observers of an inquiring turn of mind might notice a number of curious perplexities in this little Snafu.

Are there really Democrat Concealed Carry Pistol Permittees in North Carolina dumb enough to confess IN WRITING to the crime of weapon possession while intoxicated?

And if Democrats carry pistols while intoxicated does that not bolster the argument that criminal behavior cannot be legislated?

And if this conduct has occurred for over a decade without incident, does that fact not bolster the argument that weapons are not automatically evil and the root source of all bad things in the world? Could the truth be a malignant mentality is more likely to produce a malignant outcome than any physical object?

These and many other perplexities remain currently unresolved. And Players Retreat seems to have resumed normal operations for now.

But stay tuned. Who knows what new excitement tomorrow will bring?

Bemusedly yours,
Raleigh Constituent

Blood Dance In North Carolina


From Raleigh Constituent comes news of an evening Blood Dance at a popular local Bolshevik hangout– Quail Ridge Bookstore in downtown Raleigh.

On the daïs will be all the usual suspects: North Carolina Congressional Gungrabber David Price, Local Media Apparatchik David Crabtree and Psychiatric Humanist Dr. Assad Meymandi.

They assemble to discuss the UPSWING ???? in violence and mass shooting.

Naturally, John Lott et. al have not been invited or given a seat at the discussion table because this is a topic ONLY the Bolshevik ruling class understands or can discuss!

Pass the word……

FBI Bozo Weapons Handling





Really folks, can you trust your government?

On April 12th of this year (2013) the FBI Technical Branch produced an in-house
video about the FBI Reference Firearms Collection for their Youtube Channel.
(Yes! The FBI has their own Youtube Channel!)

Here is their YouTube description:


Inside the FBI Reference Firearms Collection

Published on Apr 12, 2013

If every gun tells a story, the FBI’s reference firearms collection could fill
a very, very large book.

The inventory of more than 7,000 firearms—curated over 80 years—contains
just about every make and model, from John Dillinger’s Prohibition-era revolver
to the modern battlefield’s M16, and almost everything in between.

More at:­gun-collection-firearms-that-help-solve-­crimes


These technicians are presumably among the top firearms experts in the country.

They examine evidence, they testify in court, they produce evidentiary
reports for use in cases big and small across the country; they are, in short,
the crème de la crème of government firearms bureaucrats.

So how did they manage to produce a video with not one, but two examples of the
most miserable and incompetent weapons manipulation possible?

Any individual who fondled a pistol in a gunshop with the obvious negligence exhibited
in this FBI video would be severely reprimanded on the spot if not tossed out on his ear.

And I have yet to see any Smithsonian Firearms Technician mishandle any weapon
on any History Channel Documentary.

So who are these guys who have so much responsibility and publicly display such
complete insouciance when they brag about their job?

Even the bank robber pictured in the video has the discipline to keep his finger off
the trigger of the weapon he uses to commit his crime.

Watch the complete video for yourself (the fun starts at about 4:28):

Benghazi- Where Are The Romney Officers?


Few rules are more inviolate in Military Tradition than “no soldier left behind”.

We recover the wounded and honor the fallen and remember the missing.

From Thermopylae to King Henry to Churchill to Eisenhower to Vietnam foot soldiers trust they will be supported by any means necessary.

Until Benghazi.

In 2012 Mitt Romney ran for President with the public support of many Top Level US Military Officers.

Unlike their Swift Boat counterparts in the 2004 Presidential Campaign, in this current season of American history every one of the Romney Officer Corps has been publicly silent and AWOL on the topic of Benghazi.

Here are the names of the Officers who auditioned for their jobs, cashed the paychecks and now refuse to do necessary work to avenge the deaths of Medal of Honor Candidates Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods.

If you know any of these guys, call them.

Remind them this is still America.

An America they swore to preserve, protect and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Adm. James B. Busey, USN, Gen. James T. Conway, USMC, Gen. Terrence R. Dake, USMC, Adm. James O. Ellis, USN, Adm. Mark Fitzgerald, USM, Gen. Ronald R. Fogleman, USAF, Gen. Tommy Franks, USA, Gen. Alfred Hansen, USAF, Adm. Ronald Jackson Hays, USN, Adm. Thomas Bibb Hayward, USN, Gen. Chuck Albert Horner, USAF, Adm. Jerome LaMarr Johnson, USN, Adm. Timothy J. Keating, USN, Gen. Paul X. Kelley, USMC, Gen. William Kernan, USA, Adm. George E.R. Kinnear II, USN, Gen. William L. Kirk, USAF, Gen. James J. Lindsay, USA, Gen. William R. Looney III, USAF, Adm. Hank Mauz, USN, Gen. Robert Magnus, USMC, Adm. Paul David Miller, USN, Gen. Henry Hugh Shelton, USA, Gen. Lance Smith, USAF, Adm. Leighton Smith, Jr., USN, Gen. Ronald W. Yates, USAF, Adm. Ronald J. Zlatoper, USN, Lt. Gen. James Abrahamson, USAF, Lt. Gen. Edgar Anderson, Jr., USAF, Lt. Gen. Marcus A. Anderson, USAF, Lt. Gen. Buck Bedard, USMC, Vice Adm. A. Bruce Beran, USCG, Vice Adm. Lyle Bien, USN, Lt. Gen. Harold Blot, USMC, Lt. Gen. H. Steven Blum, USA, Vice Adm. Mike Bowman III, USN, Vice Adm. Mike Bucchi, USN, Lt. Gen. Walter E. Buchanan III, USAF, Lt. Gen. Richard A. Burpee, USAF, Lt. Gen. William Campbell, USAF, Lt. Gen. James E. Chambers, USAF, Vice Adm. Edward W. Clexton, Jr., USN, Lt. Gen. John B. Conaway, USAF, Lt. Gen. Marvin Covault, USA, Vice Adm. Terry M. Cross, USCG, Vice Adm. William Adam Dougherty, USN, Lt. Gen. Brett Dula, USAF, Lt. Gen. Gordon E. Fornell, USAF, Vice Adm. David Frost, USN, Vice Adm. Henry C. Giffin III, USN, Vice Adm. Peter M. Hekman, USN, Vice Adm. Richard D. Herr, USCG, Lt. Gen. Thomas J Hickey, USAF, Lt. Gen. Walter S. Hogle, Jr., USAF, Lt. Gen. Ronald W. Iverson, USAF, Lt. Gen. Donald W. Jones, USA, Vice Adm. Douglas J. Katz, USN, Lt. Gen. Jay W. Kelley, USAF, Vice Adm. Tom Kilcline, USN, Lt. Gen. Timothy A. Kinnan, USAF, Vice Adm. Harold Koenig, M.D., USN, Vice Adm. Albert H. Konetzni, USN, Lt. Gen. Buford Derald Lary, USAF, Lt. Gen. Frank Libutti, USMC, Vice Adm. Stephen Loftus, USN, Vice Adm. Michael Malone, USN, Vice Adm. Edward H. Martin, USN, Vice Adm. John J. Mazach, USN, Vice Adm. Justin D. McCarthy, USN, Vice Adm. William McCauley, USN, Lt. Gen. Fred McCorkle, USMC, Lt. Gen. Thomas G. McInerney, USAF, Vice Adm. Joseph S. Mobley, USN, Lt. Gen. Carol Mutter, USMC, Lt. Gen. Dave R. Palmer, USA, Vice Adm. John Theodore “Ted” Parker, USN, Lt. Gen. Garry L. Parks, USMC, Lt. Gen. Charles Henry “Chuck” Pitman, USMC, Lt. Gen. Steven R. Polk, USAF, Vice Adm. William E. Ramsey, USN, Lt. Gen. Joseph J. Redden, USAF, Lt. Gen. Clifford H. “Ted” Rees, Jr., USAF, Lt. Gen. Edward Rowny, USA Vice Adm. Dutch Schultz, USN, Lt. Gen. Charles J. Searock, Jr., USAF, Lt. Gen. E. G. “Buck” Shuler, USAF, Lt. Gen. Alexander M. “Rusty” Sloan, USAF, Vice Adm. Edward M. Straw, USN, Lt. Gen. David J. Teal, USAF, Lt. Gen. Billy M. Thomas, USA, Vice Adm. Donald C. “Deese” Thompson, USCG, Vice Adm. Alan S. Thompson, USN, Lt. Gen. Herman O. “Tommy” Thomson, USAF, Vice Adm. Howard B. Thorsen, USCG, Lt. Gen. William Thurman, USAF, Lt. Gen. Robert Allen “R.A.” Tiebout, USMC, Vice Adm. John B. Totushek, USNR, Lt. Gen. George J. Trautman, USMC, Lt. Gen. Garry R. Trexler, USAF, Vice Adm. Jerry O. Tuttle, USN, Lt. Gen. Claudius “Bud” Watts, USAF, Lt. Gen. William “Bill” Welser, USAF, Lt. Gen. Thad A. Wolfe, USAF, Lt. Gen. C. Norman Wood, USAF, Lt. Gen. Michael W. Wooley, USAF, Lt. Gen. Richard “Rick” Zilmer, USMC, Major Gen. Chris Adams, USAF, Rear Adm. Henry Amos, USN Major Gen. Nora Alice Astafan, USAF, Major Gen. Almon Bowen Ballard, USAF, Major Gen. James F. Barnette, USAF, Major Gen. Robert W. Barrow, USAF, Rear Adm. John R. Batlzer, USN, Rear Adm. Jon W. Bayless, USN, Major Gen. John E. Bianchi, USA, Major Gen. David F. Bice, USMC, Rear Adm. Linda J. Bird, USN, Rear Adm. James H. Black, USN, Rear Adm. Peter A. Bondi, USN, Major Gen. John L. Borling, USMC, Major Gen. Tom Braaten, USA, Major Gen. Robert J. Brandt, USA, Rear Adm. Jerry C. Breast, USN, Rear Adm. Bruce B. Bremner, USN, Rear Adm. Thomas F. Brown III, USN, Major Gen. David P. Burford, USA, Rear Adm. John F. Calvert, USN, Rear Adm. Jay A. Campbell, USN, Major Gen. Henry Canterbury, USAF, Rear Adm. James J. Carey, USN, Rear Adm. Nevin Carr, USN, Rear Adm. Stephen K. Chadwick, USN, Rear Adm. W. Lewis Chatham, USN, Major Gen. Jeffrey G. Cliver, USAF, Rear Adm. Casey Coane, USN, Rear Adm. Isaiah C. Cole, USN, Major Gen. Stephen Condon, USAF, Major Gen. Richard C. Cosgrave, USANG, Rear Adm. Robert Cowley, USN, Major Gen. J.T. Coyne, USMC, Rear Adm. Robert C. Crates, USN, Major Gen. Tommy F. Crawford, USAF, Rear Adm. James P. Davidson, USN, Rear Adm. Kevin F. Delaney, USN, Major Gen. James D. Delk, USA, Major Gen. Robert E. Dempsey, USAF, Rear Adm. Jay Ronald Denney, USNR, Major Gen. Robert S. Dickman, USAF, Rear Adm. James C. Doebler, USN, Major Gen. Douglas O. Dollar, USA, Major Gen. Hunt Downer, USA, Major Gen. Thomas A. Dyches, USAF, Major Gen. Jay T. Edwards, USAF, Major Gen. John R. Farrington, USAF, Rear Adm. Francis L. Filipiak, USN, Rear Adm. James H. Flatley III, USN, Major Gen. Charles Fletcher, USA, Major Gen. Bobby O. Floyd, USAF, Rear Adm. Veronica Froman, USN, Rear Adm. Vance H. Fry, USN, Rear Adm. R. Byron Fuller, USN, Rear Adm. George M. Furlong, USN, Rear Adm. Frank Gallo, USN, Rear Adm. Ben F. Gaumer, USN, Rear Adm. Harry E. Gerhard Jr., USN, Major Gen. Daniel J. Gibson, USAF, Rear Adm. Andrew A. Giordano, USN, Major Gen. Richard N. Goddard, USAF, Rear Adm. Fred Golove, USCGR, Rear Adm. Harold Eric Grant, USN, Major Gen. Jeff Grime, USAF, Major Gen. Robert Kent Guest, USA, Major Gen. Tim Haake, USAR, Major Gen. Otto K. Habedank, USAF, Rear Adm. Thomas F. Hall, USN, Rear Adm. Donald P. Harvey, USN, Major Gen. Leonard W. Hegland, USAF, Rear Adm. John Hekman, USN, Major Gen. John A. Hemphill, USA, Rear Adm. Larry Hereth, USCG, Major Gen. Wilfred Hessert, USAF, Rear Adm. Don Hickman, USN, Major Gen. Geoffrey Higginbotham, USMC, Major Gen. Jerry D. Holmes, USAF, Major Gen. Weldon F. Honeycutt, USA, Rear Adm. Steve Israel, USN, Major Gen. James T. Jackson, USA, Rear Adm. John S. Jenkins, USN, Rear Adm. Tim Jenkins, USN, Rear Adm. Ron Jesberg, USN, Rear Adm. Pierce J. Johnson, USN, Rear Adm. Steven B. Kantrowitz, USN, Rear Adm. John T. Kavanaugh, USN, Major Gen. Dennis M. Kenneally, USA, Major Gen. Michael Kerby, USAF, Rear Adm. David Kunkel, USCG, Major Gen. Geoffrey C. Lambert, USA, Rear Adm. Arthur Langston, USN, Rear Adm. Thomas G. Lilly, USN, Major Gen. James E. Livingston, USAF, Major Gen. Al Logan, USAF, Major Gen. John D. Logeman Jr., USAF, Rear Adm. Noah H. Long Jr, USNR, Rear Adm. Don Loren, USN, Major Gen. Andy Love, USAF, Rear Adm. Thomas C. Lynch, USN, Rear Adm. Steven Wells Maas, USN, Major Gen. Robert M. Marquette, USAF, Rear Adm. Larry Marsh, USN, Major Gen. Clark W. Martin, USAF, Major Gen. William M. Matz, USN, Rear Adm. Gerard Mauer, USN, Rear Adm. William J. McDaniel, MD, USN, Rear Adm. E.S. McGinley II, USN, Rear Adm. Henry C. McKinney, USN, Major Gen. Robert Messerli, USAF, Major Gen. Douglas S. Metcalf, USAF, Rear Adm. John W. Miller, USN, Rear Adm. Patrick David Moneymaker, USN, Major Gen. Mario Montero, USA, Rear Adm. Douglas M. Moore, USN, Major Gen. Walter Bruce Moore, USA, Major Gen. William Moore, USA, Major Gen. Burton R. Moore, USAF, Rear Adm. James A. Morgart, USN, Major Gen. Stanton R. Musser, USAF, Rear Adm. John T. Natter, USN, Major Gen. Robert George Nester, USAF, Major Gen. George W. Norwood, USAF, Rear Adm. Robert C. Olsen, USN, Major Gen. Raymund E. O’Mara, USAF, Rear Adm. Robert S. Owens, USN, Rear Adm. John F. Paddock, USN, Major Gen. Robert W. Paret, USAF, Rear Adm. Robert O. Passmore, USN, Major Gen. Earl G. Peck, USAF, Major Gen. Richard E. Perraut Jr., USAF, Major Gen. Gerald F. Perryman, USAF, Rear Adm. W.W. Pickavance, USN, Rear Adm. John J. Prendergast, USN, Rear Adm. Fenton F. Priest, USN, Major Gen. David C. Ralston, USA, Major Gen. Bentley B. Rayburn, USAF, Rear Adm. Harold Rich, USN, Rear Adm. Roland Rieve, USN, Rear Adm. Tommy F. Rinard, USN, Major Gen. Richard H. Roellig, USAF, Rear Adm. Michael S. Roesner, USN, Rear Adm. William J. Ryan, USN, Major Gen. Loran C. Schnaidt, USAF, Major Gen. Carl Schneider, USAF, Major Gen. John P. Schoeppner, Jr., USAF, Major Gen. Edison E. Scholes, USAF, Rear Adm. Robert H. Shumaker, USN, Rear Adm. William S. Schwob, USCG, Major Gen. David J. Scott, USAF, Rear Adm. Hugh P. Scott, USN, Major Gen. Richard Secord, USAF, Rear Adm. William H. Shawcross, USN, Major Gen. Joseph K. Simeone, USAF and ANG, Major Gen. Darwin Simpson, ANG, Rear Adm. Greg Slavonic, USN, Rear Adm. David Oliver “D.O.” Smart, USNR, Major Gen. Richard D. Smith, USAF, Major Gen. Donald Bruce Smith, USAF, Rear Adm. Paul O. Soderberg, USN, Rear Adm. Robert H. “Bob” Spiro, USN, Major Gen. Henry B. Stelling, Jr., USAF, Rear Adm. Daniel H. Stone, USN, Major Gen. William A. Studer, USAF, Rear Adm. Hamlin Tallent, USN, Major Gen. Hugh Banks Tant III, USA, Major Gen. Larry S. Taylor, USMC, Major Gen. J.B. Taylor, USA, Major Gen. Thomas R. Tempel, USA, Major Gen. Richard L. Testa, USAF, Rear Adm. Jere Thompson, USN, Rear Adm. Byron E. Tobin, USN, Major Gen. Larry Twitchell, USAF, Major Gen. Russell L. Violett, USAF, Major Gen. David E.B. “DEB” Ward, USAF, Major Gen. Charles J. Wax, USAF, Rear Adm. Donald Weatherson, USN, Major Gen. John Welde, USAF, Major Gen. Gary Whipple, USA, Rear Adm. James B. Whittaker, USN, Rear Adm. Charles Williams, USN, Rear Adm. H. Denny Wisely, USN, Rear Adm. Theodore J. Wojnar, USCG, Rear Adm. George R. Worthington, USN, Brig. Gen. Arthur Abercrombie, USA, Brig. Gen. John R. Allen, USAF, Brig. Gen. Loring R. Astorino, USAF, Brig. Gen. Richard Averitt, USA, Brig. Gen. Garry S. Bahling, USANG, Brig. Gen. Donald E. Barnhart, USAF, Brig. Gen. Charles L. Bishop, USAF, Brig. Gen. Clayton Bridges, USAF, Brig. Gen. Jeremiah J. Brophy, USA, Brig. Gen. R. Thomas Browning, USAF, Brig. Gen. David A. Brubaker, USAF, Brig. Gen. Chalmers R. Carr, USAF, Brig. Gen. Fred F. Caste, USAFR, Brig. Gen. Robert V. Clements, USAF, Brig. Gen. Christopher T Cline, USA, Brig. Gen. George Peyton Cole, Jr., USAF, Brig. Gen. Richard A. Coleman, USAF, Brig. Gen. Mike Cushman, USAF, Brig. Gen. Peter Dawkins, USA, Brig. Gen. Sam. G. DeGeneres, USAF, Brig. Gen. George Demers, USAF, Brig. Gen. Howard G. DeWolf, USAF, Brig. Gen. Arthur F. Diehl, USAF, Brig. Gen. David Bob Edmonds, USAF, Brig. Gen. Anthony Farrington, USAF, Brig. Gen. Norm Gaddis, USAF, Brig. Gen. Robert H. Harkins, USAF, Brig. Gen. Thomas W. Honeywill, USAF, Brig. Gen. Stanley V. Hood, USAF, Brig. Gen. James J. Hourin, USAF, Brig. Gen. Jack C. Ihle, USAF, Brig. Gen. Thomas G. Jeter, USAF, Brig. Gen. William Herbert Johnson, USAF, Brig. Gen. Kenneth F. Keller, USAF, Brig. Gen. Wayne W. Lambert, USAF, Brig. Gen. Jerry L. Laws, USA, Brig. Gen. Thomas J. Lennon, USAF, Brig. Gen. John M. Lotz, USAF, Brig. Gen. Robert S. Mangum, USA, Brig. Gen. Frank Martin, USAF, Brig. Gen. Joe Mensching, USAF, Brig. Gen. Richard L. Meyer, USAF, Brig. Gen. Lawrence A. Mitchell, USAF, Brig. Gen. Michael P. Mulqueen, USMC, Brig. Gen. Ben Nelson, Jr., USAF, Brig. Gen. Jack W. Nicholson, USA, Brig. Gen. Maria C. Owens, USAF, Brig. Gen. Dave Papak, USMC, Brig. Gen. Gary A. Pappas, USANG, Brig. Gen. Robert V. Paschon, USAF, Brig. Gen. Allen K. Rachel, USAF, Brig. Gen. Jon Reynolds, USAF, Brig. Gen. Edward F. Rodriguez, Jr., USAFR, Brig. Gen. Roger Scearce, USA, Brig. Gen. Dennis Schulstad, USAFR, Brig. Gen. John Serur, USAF, Brig. Gen. Joseph L. Shaefer, USAF, Brig. Gen. Graham Shirley, USAF, Brig. Gen. Raymond Shulstad, USAF, Brig. Gen. Stan Smith, USAF, Brig. Gen. Ralph S. Smith, USAF, Brig. Gen. Donald Smith, USA, Brig. Gen. David M. Snyder, USAF, Brig. Gen. Michael Joseph Tashjian, USAF, Brig. Gen. Richard Louis Ursone, USA, Brig. Gen. Earl Van Inwegen, USAF, Brig. Gen. Terrence P. Woods, USAF, Brig. Gen. Mitchell Zais, USA, Brig. Gen. Allan Ralph Zenowitz, USA