Barry Saunders OWNS A GUN!



More Restaurant Carry hijinks and hilarity from the Capital of North Carolina courtesy of correspondent RALEIGH CONSTITUENT:

Dear John Jacob;

You can file this under hashtag #bolshevikbegone or #bolshevikhypocrite.

Restaurant carry continues to roil the formerly placid waters of North Carolina’s murky backwater Communist Swamp.

You may remember last summer the current owner of the highest of high-profile DEMOCRAT Progressive Liberal watering holes learned to his horror and amazement his fellow travelers in the Bolshevik Community carried pistols in his restaurant for years whether it was legal or not.


This year another high-profile DEMOCRAT restaurateur was shocked when his new restaurant was robbed days after opening ceremonies which included prominent display of a “no guns” sticker on the entry door.

Roundly heckled on social media about a possible connection between “no guns” and “armed robbers” local celebrity eatery entrepreneur Greg Hatem declared he was mad as hell and offered a $2,000 dollar reward for the capture and conviction of the illiterate miscreants who failed to abide by the posted notice that declared his facility “gun free”.


But the BIG NEWS in this story is the revelation that Barry Saunders OWNS A GUN!

Yes, I repeat, Barry Saunders, DEMOCRAT card-carrying left-wing progressive local print columnist, who never saw a Bolshevik talking point he did not french kiss ad nauseam in multiple columns which (ostensibly) discussed a myriad variety of topics, OWNS A GUN!

He not only owns a gun but he owns it in Durham- North Carolina’s gun control capital!

Yes, in the course of chastising hecklers who dared comment on the travesty of a public no guns policy for a high traffic (and cash rich) venue Mr. Saunders revealed he once openly brandished a pistol as he chased a home invader from his apartment into the fair streets of the city! Not only did he brandish a gun but he clearly intended to shoot an unarmed man with premeditation! What “duty to retreat” restriction muddied his progressive thought process? Question: Did the perp wear a hoodie? Just curious, I say, just curious.


Can you say Bolshevik Jane Fonda Hypocrite? I thought you could! At least he is honest about the “ridiculous self” part!

Naturally, no discussion of the publicly correct, privately corrupt Mr. Saunders qualifications to possess, transport or use any implement of modern technology as beneficial as a bullet spewing mechanical device.

He clearly travels amongst the “rules for thee but not for me” crowd.

So if you meet him on the street be careful. That thing in his pocket does not mean he is happy to see you and it might just accidentally discharge! At least that is what North Carolina pinko’s tell the rest of us!


Gosh, I love this state!

Bemusedly yours,
Raleigh Constituent

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