Raleigh Constituent Response To Burr Senate Staffer ChrisJ

Editor’s Note: Published as written because I sure do not want to go “all wobbly” or anything like that.

Editor’s Note #2: ChrisJ’s remarks are in the comments section of this post: CLICK LINK HERE. It may help to read them first.

Editor’s Note #3: All Senator Richard Burr Posts are collected in their own category from the newest to the oldest: CLICK LINK HERE

You must click the individual posts to view the comments attached to each.

Dear John Jacob,

Good Gravy! Someone besides the paperboy reads your blog? Who’d athunk?

Originally as I read the ChrisJ posts I thought the obvious- he (or she–Chris?) was a poseur.

But now I believe the comments to be authentic because they perfectly mirror the mentality that made my phone calls to the Senator’s office so memorable. CLICK LINK HERE
The blather starts almost from sentence one,

message one and continues through sentence last, message last.

Some of my favorite hoots:

1.Ohio and Maryland Voters should hold their officials accountable.
Really? Well maybe they could if the Feds didn’t spread so much LEO Grant and Funding Pixie Dust around!!!

Hey Barney Fife you want an M4 Patrol Carbine? We got a grant for that!

Maybe an armored personnel carrier? We got funding for that too!

Wanna go to “big boy” tactical training school? Here, sign on the dotted line.
The peasants will never know what hit them. Ask David Koresh or Randy Weaver.

2. Blowing Rock Voters should hold their officials accountable.
Really? It is to laugh……bitterly, bitterly laugh. The whole dispute revolves around secret meetings and closed door negotiations.

I guess Senator Burr, avid hunter and shooter that he is, never signed up for the GRNC Alert List.

Here are just a few tidbits from GRNC:

GRNC Alert 11-09-09:
Why Is Burr Supporting Blowing Rock Land Grab?

The issue started nearly a decade ago when the North Carolina Land Trust purchased a 192 acre tract of land from a local hunting club outside the city limits of Blowing Rock. Local hunters,believing they were protecting a treasured hunting area,generously donated to the Land Trust for purchase of the tract. As testament to the past use of hunting on the land, the Land Trust wrote language into the deed which designated hunting as an allowable activity on the land for perpetuity.

A few years later however, the Town of Blowing Rock, unbeknownst to the general public, purchased the 192 acre tract from the land trust for potential trade to the National Park Service. In late 2005 the purchase revealed itself to sportsmen when police tried to close the area, including the NC Gamelands portion, to hunting.

Hunters and GRNC members, concerned with suddenly being told they were not allowed to hunt public lands, began questioning recalcitrant town officials. It was then that the questionable land trade was uncovered.
Further investigation revealed that an influential town councilwoman’s expensive home overlooks the land, as well as the fact this very same councilwoman is an outspoken anti-hunting, anti-logging activist.

Some grassroots members are even beginning to question the Town of Blowing Rock’s role in the Land Trust’s original purchase of the tract. Letters written to Mayor J.B. Lawrence regarding these and other questions have not been answered. The town maintains the trade is necessary to gain full control of the town reservoir located on Park lands between Boone and Blowing Rock. This does not seem plausible given the fact Blowing Rock already has water interconnection permits with Boone as well as an unused intake permit at the confluence of Payne Branch and Middle Fork.

As a new twist, Mayor Lawrence recently declared the 190 acres as closed to hunting via a vague town code prohibiting loaded guns on town property (i.e. town hall). Coinciding with the Mayor’s announcement, National Park Service spokeswomen Shelia Dixon indicated that if NPS acquires the land, all hunting, trapping, and shooting will be prohibited as per NPS policy. This deal will cut in half the last public lands that Blowing Rock hunters, shooters and trappers can easily access. Hunters attempted to voice concerns with Mayor Lawrence during a March 10, 2009 town meeting, however the Mayor decided to convene an illegal closed meeting to discuss the issue. No recordings or minutes exist of this meeting.

Now it seems that Senator Richard Burr and Congresswoman Virginia Foxx are on board with this deal as well. Burr’s and Foxx’s offices purport that their support stems from the dubious water issue. Locals are skeptical about this and again point to the councilwoman’s home which overlooks this land. Several times GRNC members have requested from both Burr and Foxx to have a voice in the questionable land deal, but that has not happened.

3.Would I like to be able to shoot every day? Absolutely. Am I able to? Unfortunately, no.
What a howler!!!!!

Are we, the peasants, to believe ChrisJ does not play golf or tennis or raquetball or baseball or softball or badminton as well? The Senate, home to one of the most lavish exercise facilities on the planet could not fund a shooting range for use of members and staff if it so chose or colonize the old NRA shooting range abandoned somewhere in downtown Washington? The avid shooters on Burr’s staff know nothing about air rifles or pistols?

Just a guess here, but I would bet if some staffer picked up the phone and dialed Remington or S&W and explained their dilemma, solutions to the problem would materialize out of thin air.

As member of the Armed Services Committee I’d guess further the Senator has access to all manner of Military Practice range techniques.

Come on Senator! Man up and put a 3-D target range right in your office for all to see!




Put a framed poster sized copy of Swiss Militia Operations Order #2 right in the reception area of your office.


Teach your people to answer the phone: “Senator Burr’s Office, Home of the Right To Keep And Bear Arms”

4.S 669
That thing. Hmmm. S 669 trys to partially fix something that was broken long ago and needs complete restoration.

We are told by independent websites Senator Burr votes 92 % of the time with his fellow Republicans.

Here is a thought: How about he should start to vote 92% of the time with THE CONSTITUTION???

If there ever was a time to introduce Constitutional Legislation it is now.


S 1:

The National Firearms Act (“NFA”), 73rd Congress, Sess. 2, ch. 757, 48 Stat. 1236, enacted 1934-06-26, codified as amended as 26 U.S.C. ch.53 AND Gun Control Act of 1968, Pub. L. No. 90-618, 82 Stat. 1213 (also known as GCA or GCA68, and codified as Chapter 44 of Title 18, United States Code)


Wouldn’t that stir up the pudding in the old town tonight if someone introduced legislation like that??

Don’t go all wobbly on us John Jacob.

The Poster ChrisJ is cast from the same mold that made the Dole and Faircloth office staff legendary.

Right now Republicans are distracted by the bright shiny bauble known as Election 2010 while Obamanation pre-positions his ACORN men,munitions and money.

If the Senator does not move now and move fast he too will go the way of the DoDo Bird.

Raleigh Constituent

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