NC Governor Instructs Storytime Toddlers in Antifa Riot Tactics

A North Carolina Politics update from Raleigh Constituent. Enjoy. JJH

Dear John Jacob,

Fresh from the evening news broadcast Governor Roy Cooper reads to preschool youngsters during
story time. This screenshot IS NOT PHOTOSHOPPED! Deliberately displayed on camera is the Governor’s choice for a story to read out loud. The ultimate Freudian Slip!

Bemusedly yours,
Raleigh Constituent

Raleigh has become disgusting

A Corona Covid 19 update from Raleigh Constituent. Enjoy. JJH

Dear John Jacob;


Raleigh has become disgusting.

If just one more 20/30,yea even 40 something snowflake millennial zombie sticks his grubby hand into the pocket where he keeps an open package of milk duds and pulls out some nasty snot encrusted single use laboratory mask to virtue signal how much he cares about the WuHU flu I may have to break social distance rules to vomit on his strapless open toe flip-flops.

These kids may not catch COVID 19 germs but they sure as hell will soon get sick from some Gadawful disease or disfiguring ailment.

What exactly is this all about?

First we get lockdowns- self incarceration / house arrest – with all the joy and wonder of no income combined with the isolation only possible when confined to some urban box far from our home on the range where the deer and the antelope play.

Next we get masks to undergo what can only be charitably described as self infection.

Your body is working as hard as possible to expel as many germs as possible as far away from your sensitive respiratory tract as possible and you are required to don a cone shaped container to make sure as many of those germs are as concentrated and reinhaled as often as possible?


And who is pushing this agenda? DOCTOR Mandy Cohen- living proof there is never a serial killer around when you need one.

How did this woman manage to survive to adulthood? Surely someone somewhere in her past must have had an irresistible urge to throttle her in the middle of one of her insufferably inane lectures about ANYTHING.

An out of town expert hired as Director of North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) and on the job for little more than two years DOCTOR Cohen suddenly has the power to single handedly wreck the entire economy of the formerly Great State of North Carolina?

Anyone who can listen to her for more than 5 seconds ( other than native born North Carolina Governor Goober Cooper ) is clearly a few bricks shy of a load themselves…. or not.

There seem to be thousands of these free range zombies wandering all over the streets of Raleigh wearing masks and glowering at people who refuse to self infect on demand.

The numbers make absolutely no sense. In a State with a population of 10 million people fewer than 1 percent have been infected with WuHU Flu and far fewer have died if you can even trust those numbers.

North Carolina is hardly awash in hot spots. How about leave the unaffected areas alone and allow people to continue in their daily affairs unmolested by arbitrary edicts?

And then in the middle of WuHU Flu idiocy come now the George Soros Occupy goons.

178 downtown Raleigh businesses vandalized,incinerated and looted while Mayor Mary Antoinette Baldwin & Company sit in their Tofu filled Ivory Tower and negotiate underhanded back room deals with big money from around the country and the world.

City contracts have become the ATM Teller Machine for ailing businesses all over America. You want to rebuild the sidewalk ADA corner ramps for the 5th time in 10 years? Raleigh has a contract for you.

And always remember and don’t ever forget Fire Station #6 at the corner of Fairview and Oberlin Rd. Under construction for at least four years, there is no doubt still time for anyone to bid on the marble gargoyle roof statuary for this BEEYOUTEEFULL Taj Mahal of fire stations.

Meanwhile actual North Carolinians sit in the ashes of their former prosperity and wonder “What the heck to do now?”

According to Governor Goober “we are all in this together”. Somehow, he has yet to suspend HIS pay and benefits into perpetuity or even for the duration. Same thing with DOCTOR Mandy Cohen. Come on guys, we are all in this together.


I hope things work out well. This ain’t the City or even the North Carolina I used to know and love.

With heavy heart,
Raleigh Constituent

Black Rifle Coffee Clint Romesha Interview

Excellent interview with Clint Romesha if for no other reason than Mr. Romesha is allowed to
present his own story in his own words without interruption! Salute’ to Black Rifle Coffee

For those unfamiliar with the tale of Red Platoon see details (CLICK LINK HERE)

From the description:

The only comprehensive, firsthand account of the fourteen-hour firefight at the Battle of Keating by Medal of Honor recipient Clinton Romesha, for readers of Black Hawk Down by Mark Bowden and Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell.

“‘It doesn’t get better.’ To us, that phrase nailed one of the essential truths, maybe even the essential truth, about being stuck at an outpost whose strategic and tactical vulnerabilities were so glaringly obvious to every soldier who had ever set foot in that place that the name itself—Keating—had become a kind of backhanded joke.”

In 2009, Clinton Romesha of Red Platoon and the rest of the Black Knight Troop were preparing to shut down Command Outpost (COP) Keating, the most remote and inaccessible in a string of bases built by the US military in Nuristan and Kunar in the hope of preventing Taliban insurgents from moving freely back and forth between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Three years after its construction, the army was finally ready to concede what the men on the ground had known immediately: it was simply too isolated and too dangerous to defend.

On October 3, 2009, after years of constant smaller attacks, the Taliban finally decided to throw everything they had at Keating. The ensuing fourteen-hour battle—and eventual victory—cost eight men their lives.

Red Platoon is the riveting firsthand account of the Battle of Keating, told by Romesha, who spearheaded both the defense of the outpost and the counterattack that drove the Taliban back beyond the wire and received the Medal of Honor for his actions.

“A vitally important story that needs to be understood by the public, and I cannot imagine an account that does it better justice that Romesha’s.”—Sebastian Junger, journalist and author of The Perfect Storm

“Red Platoon is sure to become a classic of the genre.”—Hampton Sides, author of Ghost Soldiers and In the Kingdom of Ice

Trump Cabinet Picks

Whoa! The man pulled off the triumph of the century! Congratulations Mr. President Donald J. Trump!

No time to rest. The real work starts now. A hypothetical list of potential Cabinet Picks to be
altered or modified as time permits. Dedicated readers can offer their suggestions as they wish.

Vice President of the United States *Mike Pence
Department of State
Department of the Treasury
Department of Defense
Department of Justice
Department of the Interior *Sarah Palin
Department of Agriculture
Department of Commerce
Department of Labor *Mike Rowe
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Department of Transportation
Department of Energy
Department of Education
Department of Veterans Affairs
Department of Homeland Security

Executive Office of the President Press Secretary *Sean Hannity
Environmental Protection Agency *Anthony Watts
Office of Management & Budget *Dave Ramsey
United States Trade Representative
United States Ambassador to the United Nations
Council of Economic Advisers
*Walter E. Williams Emeritus Advisor
*Thomas Sowell Emeritus Advisor

Small Business Administration

50 Shades of Bolshevik


Here we are again. “The most important election of our lifetime”

For those who keep score that should make at least an even half dozen “important
elections in our lifetime”

The honor roll is long- Bob Dole, John McCain, Mitt Romney among the most recent

The old questions are still the best:

1.How will Good Ole Boy Republicans snatch defeat from the jaws of victory THIS time?

2. How will Good Ole Bolshevik Democrats steal the seats of power from right under our nose THIS time?

3. How will the Republic withstand the insufferable nattering nabobs of nitwittery for another four years?

In 1960, the two most corrupt jurisdictions in the country-Illinois and Texas-carried the day for Democrats in one of the thinnest margins of victory in the 20th Century. Republican Richard Nixon declined to challenge the results “for the good of the country”.

In 1992 George H.W. Bush blew an 89 percent post Gulf War approval rating to lose a second term
to sacrificial opponent William Jefferson (BJ) Clinton.

In 1996 genuine war hero and combat veteran Bob Dole inexplicably lost to the clearly criminal
William Jefferson (BJ) Clinton as Clinton ascended to a second term of Presidential Corruption.

The 2000 election brought the spectacle of George W. Bush barely elected in the mother of all
electoral cluster foxtrots.

And then in 2008 Barack Obama, the most defeatable candidate in the history of the Republic
triumphs over the weakest Republican opposition ever mounted by a major political party to
unleash four years of economic and political terror on the populace.

In 2012, a genuinely perfect man-of-his-time Republican Mitt Romney flames out against
Barack Insane Obama for a second term of covert and overt Marie Antoinetteian corruption.

This time appears before us a genuine disruptor–Mr. Donald Trump, Entrepreneur.

Arguably the perfect candidate we have been told, nay lectured We, the Trampled, need to lead us.

An outsider, not a career politician, check.

Self financed campaign, not beholden to special interest money, check.

A lineal descendant and heir to the Northeast Liberal Legacy of Nelson Rockefeller,
New York Mayor John Lindsey or Micheal Bloomberg, check.

Able to do more with less-better-faster-cheaper and fewer moving parts than any Presidential
Campaign in recent memory, check.

Mr Trump packs his own sunshine wherever he goes.

He promised to win the primary and he did.

He promised to surround himself with good men and he picked Mike Pence as his Vice President.

He released a list of potential Supreme Court Nominees.

And even with those credentials, We, the Frayed Collar Workers of America, are advised this
is STILL not good enough.

We should await an even better deal and hang tough while a career Clinton criminal
rules for yet another interminable interim. A Clinton whose only claim to fame is the
string of corpses she leaves in her wake around the globe from Fort Marcy Park, Washington
to Dubrovnik, Croatia to Benghazi, Libya.

Not this time.

A chain is only as strong as the weakest link so if a billionaire American CEO is
not qualified to lead this country as well or better than the political class who have
done their level best to spread ruin everywhere then the republic is gone with or without
an election.

Forbid such Almighty God!

In his video Mr. Trump sums up the entire truth in one line:

“The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine is you”

Republics do not rise and fall on the strength of one individual President
or even nine individuals in black Judicial robes, but republics do fall when
the populace will tolerate a corrupt ruling class.

So tolerate corruption no longer, no matter where or who is responsible.

Your move, Citizen–tomorrow–and all the tomorrows to follow.

Oh Bother, said Pooh!

“Oh Bother”, said Pooh, as he chambered another round.

Time for some house keeping here at the JohnJacobH Blog! All the Examiner Columnists are gone and no archive remains of their work! So all the links will be erased with just commemorative screen
shots of The-Way-Things-Used-To-Be! In their place I will post new links as time and schedule allow.

Let me take this opportunity to plug the Glen Beck Radio Serials. Everyone should hear and share these Paul Harveyesque segments about all topics past and present related to the foundation of a Constitutional Representative Republic. Play them in the background while you work!

Here for example is the Milton Friedman link:

And here is the link for ALL the serials

RINOS Unmasked!


Raleigh Constituent drops by to bombard us all with observations from the eye of the
storm —-the most expensive Senate Race in the country……


Dear John Jacob,

The Almighty must love Bolsheviks else why populate the Earth with so many and give them
such sway over public discourse?

Neatly sandwiched between the Devil Worship Season of Halloween and The Shopping Season of
Merry Thanksgivingmas comes the biannual Silly Season of Elections here in the Sovereign
State Of North Carolina.

The air is electric with a kaleidoscope of emotions which range the gamut
from MEH… to BLEH… to YUCK! as campaign signs bloom and blossom along the highways
and byways and causeways and fairways of the fair City of Raleigh.

Bolsheviks can be spotted in all flavors and colors on local televisor screens as
they spout the quaint aged rhetoric of the 20th Century Overlord Oligarchy.

The familiar Red Diaper and Blue Dog Democrat Bolsheviks are plentiful as they tool
along newly painted bicycle lanes that now clog all major arteries (North, East, South and West)
on their 19th Century velocipedes or cruise the main lane in their glorified electric
Prius golf cartmobiles.

Rino Republican Bolsheviks can often be spotted in both Redneck and Business Suit varieties.
The Rednecks, of course, drive upper end Crew Cab pick up trucks equipped
coal roll pipes ( while the Business Suit types proudly prance in
Cadillac Escalade Tax Deductiblemobiles.

This year North Carolinians have been blessed with rare sightings of a Libertarian Bolshevik
in the person of one Sean Haugh.

A dead ringer for the geriatric version of Mad Magazine’s Alfred E. Neuman ” What me worry kid?”
Mr. Haugh’s stump speeches include the wonderful Communist tropes: “Stop all war” and “You will
not bring a gun into my house”.

So after decades of bipartisan suffocation at the ballot box and in public debates Libertarians
finally get a candidate sandwiched at the dais between Thom Tillis and Kay Hagan and his message
is “Try to spot the difference between me and Stalin?”

And even with THAT message Haugh’s GRNC 2nd Amendment rating is 4 Stars over Thom Tillis’s 3 Stars!


But I digress.

This month’s REAL NEWS, proves, once again, there is always time for another round
of Whack-A-Mole especially in the middle of election season.

Even as Senate Candidate Thom Tillis struggles to appeal to the Conservative base in spite of his
RINO record in the State Senate up pop RINO Governor Pat McCroy and Agriculture Secretary Steve
Troxler to sabotage the Tillis campaign with a completely absurd brouhaha about concealed carry
on the State Fair Grounds.

Apparently a provision in the Restaurant Carry Statute enacted almost exactly a year ago
requires removal of all Gun Ban Signs from said State Fairgrounds.

Sooo, one would think RINO Republican Agriculture Secretary Troxler would have the wisdom to
duck the issue until after election by

A. Quietly removing the offending signs without a word to anyone.


B. Give some bogus bureaucratic stonewall statement such as:Posting policy is under review by Legal Staff.

But noooo, one would think wrong!

McCroy and Troxler trip all over themselves in a joint effort to repeat Beverly Perdue’s Dove
Season debacle from legal absurdities past. (

They insist it is possible to pick fly turds from black pepper carefully enough to prove
Restaurant Carry does NOT apply to the State Fair Grounds even though the language plainly DOES apply!

A perfect replay of the logic the hapless Governor Perdue used to insist her emergency declaration
DID NOT cancel Dove Season even though it plainly did! (

People outside North Carolina should understand the State Fair mimics the Roman Tradition
of Bread and Circuses at the height of their Empire.

The annual fair is the State’s Largest Vote Buying Shindig. Attendance has consistently
been nearly a million visitors for the past decade.

Aggravate enough people about some minor issue at the fair and they WILL remember a week
later when they vote.

So only a few questions remain in the minds of the great unwashed masses of frayed collar
taxpayers in the Tarhell State.

1. What new innovative technique will Succubus Bolshevik Democrats use to steal an election
that should be a nailed down, glued-in-place, painted over lead pipe cinch victory for Conservatives?

2. What new innovative technique will cud chewing ungulate RINO Republicans use to snatch
defeat from the certain jaws of victory THIS time?

Will Zombie Rommey prevail with his Etch-a-Sketch campaign support?

Will Karl Rove’s Pat Boone phone call brigade turn the tide? (Seriously, Pat Boone is alive
and well and recording robocalls!)

Will the election pivot on the 4 AM late return ballot count from MagicCountem County?

Or will the Hanging Chad recount from legions of carpet bagger condominium commandos supply
the decisive blow?

Only time will tell. ONLY TIME will tell. Tune in Tuesday November 4th for the exciting conclusion.

GOBS (Good ole Bolsheviks) to the left of us, GOBS (Good ole Boys) to the right,
here we are, stuck in the quagmire again!

May the farce be with you!

Bemusedly yours,

Raleigh Constituent

Big Government is NOT the Problem!


Big Government is NOT the Problem! Your neighbors, your associates, in some cases your relatives are the problem. Dumb Masses encircle you.

We live now in a society so thoroughly marinated in a culture of Government Boondoggle it is impossible to untangle the threads between undistorted markets and Bureaucratic Largesse.

Large swaths of Americans do not hate government, they LOVE government for all the blessings and benefits a contract, grant funding or even just outright freebies can bring. A triple threat, we live now in a government of the boondoggle, by the boondoggle, for the boondoggle that shall never perish from the Earth!

Gone forever are the days when the biggest threat to America was some nebulous “Military/Industrial Complex”. We live now in a time of The Education/Retail Complex; The Public Transportation/Asphalt Complex; The Sewer Treatment/Industrial Pipe Complex; The Agriculture/Farm Subsidy Complex; et. al.

“Red states” and “blue states” do not define the division between those who wish for more government and those who do not.

The division for and against Leviathan Government is more accurately defined by individuals who benefit from government in some obvious direct fashion and individuals who do not.

The list of individuals who benefit from Leviathan Government Largesse is long and endless- from the Mom-and-Pop sign shop who win the lettering contract for shiny new municipal Garbage Trucks to the centralized print facility responsible for the distribution of thousands of Handicapped Parking signs across the nation;from the small businesses who bid to paint city streets with bicycle lanes to corporations who supply high end stainless steel commercial restaurant equipment to Public School Cafeterias; not to mention an entire vehicle manufacturing industry whose sole product is specialized yellow buses to transport every juvenile in modern society from every dusty nook and cranny of the country to and from the soul crushing abattoirs known as “High” Schools or “Junior” High Schools or even “Elementary” Schools.

From coast to coast and sea to shining sea, pick a card, any card, and someone, somewhere bids on the relevant government contract.

Dairy farmers? Check.
Fire Trucks? Check.
Police Patrol Cars? Check.
Traffic Lights? Check.
Traffic Signs? Check.
Desks? Check.
Tables, Chairs? Check and check.
Electronic Conference Equipment? Check.
Pencils, Paper, Pads, Office equipment? CheckCheckCheckCheckCheck.

Tired yet? Remember all this comes BEFORE ANY discussion of “THE FREE STUFF ARMY”

Yes, there remains to enumerate and identify:

Section 8 Housing
Aid to Families with Dependent Children
Earned Income Credit
Electronic Benefit Transfer Cards
Obama Phones

Former FBI agent, Dan Smoot, succinctly summed up the situation in his broadcast number 649 January 29, 1968:

England was killed by an idea: the idea that the weak, indolent and profligate must be supported by the strong, industrious, and frugal–to the degree that tax consumers will have a living standard comparable to that of taxpayers; the idea that government exists for the purpose of plundering those who work to give the product of their labor to those who do not work. The economic and social cannibalism produced by this communist-socialist idea will destroy any society which adopts it and clings to it as a basic principle–any society.

Sleep well, America, sleep well.