FBI Bozo Weapons Handling





Really folks, can you trust your government?

On April 12th of this year (2013) the FBI Technical Branch produced an in-house
video about the FBI Reference Firearms Collection for their Youtube Channel.
(Yes! The FBI has their own Youtube Channel!)

Here is their YouTube description:


Inside the FBI Reference Firearms Collection

Published on Apr 12, 2013

If every gun tells a story, the FBI’s reference firearms collection could fill
a very, very large book.

The inventory of more than 7,000 firearms—curated over 80 years—contains
just about every make and model, from John Dillinger’s Prohibition-era revolver
to the modern battlefield’s M16, and almost everything in between.

More at: http://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2013/april/fbi-­gun-collection-firearms-that-help-solve-­crimes


These technicians are presumably among the top firearms experts in the country.

They examine evidence, they testify in court, they produce evidentiary
reports for use in cases big and small across the country; they are, in short,
the crème de la crème of government firearms bureaucrats.

So how did they manage to produce a video with not one, but two examples of the
most miserable and incompetent weapons manipulation possible?

Any individual who fondled a pistol in a gunshop with the obvious negligence exhibited
in this FBI video would be severely reprimanded on the spot if not tossed out on his ear.

And I have yet to see any Smithsonian Firearms Technician mishandle any weapon
on any History Channel Documentary.

So who are these guys who have so much responsibility and publicly display such
complete insouciance when they brag about their job?

Even the bank robber pictured in the video has the discipline to keep his finger off
the trigger of the weapon he uses to commit his crime.

Watch the complete video for yourself (the fun starts at about 4:28):

Texas Tall Tale (With Dynamite!)

There was a time I would have taken this type of story with a grain of salt.

But then my buddies brother went up into the mountains to excavate a basement under his wife’s cabin retreat.

Yes, it did involve dynamite. Yes, hijinks ensued.

Seems when some people get around dynamite the crazy switch goes on in their brain.

So if this story is not exactly true, it should be, and it probably resembles something that actually happened.

A Texas Tall Tale as told by a Tall Texan.


Cops Shoot Cow


Good Grief! Tired of shooting dogs as they cower in their crates, Police have a new hobby –shooting cows with their issue sidearms.

Is it possible to humanely take down a 1500 pound cow with a Glock 40?

Maybe, with a precision shot to break the spine near the shoulder followed with a shot through the center of the head. Not exactly what this Cop did or tried to do! Sheesh!


A YouTube video of Gatineau police opening fire on an escaped cow has raised questions about their treatment of the animals.

Gatineau police said two cows were headed for the slaughterhouse when they broke free from a truck Thursday, leaving them no choice but to shoot them dead.

The Great Reset

Show of hands. Everyone ready to impeach ObamaNation yet? There is no time “to wait” for an election or a conference or some infernal Politburo Super Congressional Committee. Seize the day or suffer the consequences. Speak up or forever hold your peace. We can no longer afford the luxury of Rule By Kaskistocracy!


Tantalizing Excerpt:

The Shape of Things To Come (July 8, 2011)

The Great Reset could take many forms. The only certain thing is that today’s profound political disunity and our destabilizing financial Plutocracy will force a crisis.

Today we have several types of political disunity. Superficially, the two “political theater” wings of the Demopublicans stage a bitter partisan war over whose vision of the U.S. as a “Plutocracy, but with benefits” holds an increasingly enfeebled political power.

The real disunity is between a doomed Status Quo and those willing to deal with reality. Right now those willing to deal with reality are few, but they have the distinct advantage of reality on their side, while the Status Quo has only propaganda, artifice, phony political theater and empty promises.

Anthony Martin offers his analysis of Black Monday:


Tantalizing Excerpt:

America could well be headed for a dreaded ‘black Monday’ on August 8. The term ‘black Monday’ was coined to denote a precipitous drop in the stock market. Today, however, the stock market is not always an accurate gauge of the health of the economy, particularly when super-billionaires such as George Soros bet on plunges in the market and invest their money accordingly. Thus, black Moday on August 8 may or may not involve a steep decline in stocks, although many believe that is precisely what will occur.

A more realistic scenario would involve the following:

1. The costs of auto loans, mortgages, student loans, and other types of lending will increase dramatically, meaning that interest rates on these loans will rise. Even a rise of half a percentage point in the interest rate would mean mortgage rates on a home costing $175,000 will increase on average by $19,000 dollars.

2. The costs for goods and services will rise.

For extra credit read just one of many Looter think-pieces floating around the Internet.


Tantalizing Excerpt:

Economic Collapse & Security: I Am Your Worst Nightmare

By Jeff T.

I am the leader of a band of 8-to-12 looters. I have some basic military training. We move from place to place like locusts devouring everything in our path. My group is armed with light weapons and can develop and follow simple plans of attack. We take what we want by force of arms. We prefer none of our victims survive because that could cause problems for us in the future. It has been six months since the grid went down. You and the other five members of your party have settled into what may be a long grinding existence. The every day tasks of growing and gathering have now become routine. The news from the outside is extremely limited but you don’t really miss it much. Life is simple but physically demanding.

Although things may seem stable you will need to keep your team focused and alert. This is your first and most important layer of defense. You should hold an immediate reaction drill once per week. Keep things simple. Practice a specific response to such threats as injury, fire, attack and evacuation. Despite the challenges you must maintain contact with those around you such as neighbors for vital clues that trouble is brewing. Regular monitoring the radio will be critical in providing an early warning of trouble. You may be able to safely interview refugees with risking your party. Keep in mind the information you get from them may not always be reliable.

While you have been farming I have been learning the best tactics to employ to seize your property and your goods. I have been refining them since we hit the road right after the lights went out. I have conducted eight “hits” so far and have been successful seven times. Here are some of my “lessons learned”.

William Norman Grigg- Oslo Bomber

Over at Pro Libertate William Norman Grigg brings his usual insightful analysis to the events of the past few days in Norway.



Roughly a decade ago, Al Pacino starred in a movie entitled S1m0ne, a cyber-era updating of the Pygmalion myth in which a film director creates an uncannily realistic digital actress. Despite the fact that “Simone” was a computer-rendered composite fantasy, the lustrous blond enchantress becomes a global pop culture sensation – a profitable illusion sustained through increasingly desperate acts of misdirection on the part of the director.

It’s tempting to think that accused Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik is a S1m0ne-style digital fantasy drawn to specifications provided by Morris Dees’ so-called Southern Poverty Law Center. Breivik used social networking sites to create a cyber-persona seemingly made to order for left-leaning “watchdog” groups. Available photographs depict the blond, stereotypically Nordic Breivik as if he were a dress-up doll, his face oddly unmarked and expressionless as he poses in a variety of guises – including Freemason garb and a scuba outfit.

In similar fashion, his recorded ideological pronouncements – the quotes attributed to him in the aftermath of the killing spree in Oslo and Utoya, and his bloated “manifesto” – could be the work of someone determined to embody every detail of the familiar caricature of the right-wing “hate criminal.”

Societal Singularity–Anders Behring Breivik


Sin·gu·lar·i·ty: a point or region of infinite mass density at which space and time are infinitely distorted by gravitational forces and held to be the final state of matter as it falls into a black hole

Long ago and far away I had an opportunity to talk to an old man, a survivor of WWII and
a member of the Axis Conscript Army from one of those little roll over countries of Eastern Europe – you know, Poland, Romania, Hungary et.al.

I asked him what he made of his experience in the 20th Century?

He answered in one word: “Amazement”.

To clarify he said: “One day you wake up and believe you will do pretty much what you have always done the way you have always done it. On that day you learn you will never again do any of the things you have always done in any of the ways you have always done them.”

The phrase did not exist when he spoke of his experience in World War Twice, but he clearly described the reality of SOCIETAL SINGULARITY- the change, in an instant, from a world you comprehend perfectly to a world unrecognizable in every aspect.

Meet Anders Behring Breivik:


This blog has an extensive history of interest:


Update 07/24/2011: I hope everyone who wanted a copy of VERBOTEN material got one, the internet seems to be scrubbed of copies as quickly as they are posted.

In Liberty,

Berserk Feral Cop *AGAIN*

It happened (yet) again! A brother of the badge gone wild to the peril of the public and his fellow patrol officer.

Across time and geography all Cops Gone Wild Videos share the common element of an individual patrol officer’s unbridled hubris from one incident to another. Threats of fictitious offenses, threats of direct, immediate violence, lectures spun from primordial emotion absent of any element of fact or logic.

David Codrea offers his insight: (CLICK LINK HERE)

LAWDOG is not amused:

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BarneyFifeocide! (Negligent Discharge)

Another Barney Fife moment out on the target range. An important cautionary tale for everyone. (Yes, there but for the grace of Heaven go we all!)

Fortunately in this incarnation Barney Fife is alive and well, but must limp for a while.

Old proverb: Man with one gun know EXACTLY how to fire his weapon, man with two guns not quite sure……

I like this guy. He did everything well and conducted himself calmly and honorably.

We have discussed this before:

Weapons are not toys, not for relaxation or sport or entertainment, but tools to be treated with utmost respect and caution which have but one purpose: to harm some critter- with four or two legs- before they harm you.

As Sergeant Phil Esterhaus famously said: Let’s be careful out there!

For other examples CLICK LINK HERE

Tom Selleck No Hero


************************UPDATE 03/12/13*******************************

For proof of the idiocy of this whole Tom Selleck affair witness 7 year old Bill Mumy demonstrate EXCELLENT trigger discipline in a 1961 Mattel TOY COMMERCIAL CLICK LINK HERE

****************Begin Original Article Text*******************************

Red Flag warning! Blue Bloods Gun Safety Amateur Hour!

David Codrea highlights an incident on the set of Tom Selleck’s television show “Blue Bloods” wherein Mr Selleck chastises a bit player for “waving a real gun around with his finger on the trigger”.


In news reports NRA Director Tom Selleck is cast heroically for his response to the extra’s faux pas.


Unfortunately, I cannot join the huzzah chorus in this instance.

Aside from the well established notion it is bad juju to publicly humiliate “the little people” the larger point should not be ignored as well: if you have joined a ship of fools about to wreck in the shoals it may make you feeeeel better to yell at the cabin boy but it sure will not keep the ship from capsizing!

As one message board commentator observed– it was the worst kind of Hollywood celebrity prima donna temper tantrum–all sound and fury with no productive outcome.

Yes, hardly a poster boy for on-screen displays of gun safety, hero Selleck has pretty big feet of clay. At the end of the day he is just one more Hollyweird drama queen who does not know squat about which he rants.

Exhibit A:

(Magnum PI –finger on the trigger TWICE in EVERY opening credit!)


Finger on the trigger when he slaps in the magazine! Good thing the slide was not locked back!


Finger on the trigger when he runs through the jungle!

Exhibit B:

(So Tom, is your finger on the trigger because your front sight is on the target?)

If the situation on his show has gotten to the point an extra in costume is “waving a gun around” many, many highly paid staffers failed in their appointed duties before the extra even auditioned for the role.

While Mr. Selleck was correct to react with alacrity, his fury more properly is, and ought to be, directed toward both the prop master and producer of his show.

This is a clear-cut case of Pot. Kettle. Black.

Continue reading

Waco Jim Cavanaugh Lies Again!

Remember the War on the 1st Amendment that accelerated when Barry Soreto Obama was “immaculated” President Of the United States? CLICK LINK HERE and HERE and HERE.

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