The County Sheriff:The Ultimate Check & Balance

Sheriff Richard Mack is on the Internet with his own blog! A true RKBA hero, people should hear this man and help out at every opportunity.

Complete Link:

Tantalizing Excerpt:

Despite the frequency or the severity of government abuses, if they were to happen in your county, would your sheriff intervene?

Well, don’t look now, but they are already occurring and some sheriffs have indeed taken very courageous stands against the feds coming in to their counties to “enforce” their laws.

Cattle, lands, homes, bank accounts, cash, and even children have been seized and prisons filled all in the name of federal enforcement of EPA rules, The Endangered Species Act, IRS rules, (of which there are over 10 million pages) Forest Service and Dept. of the Interior technicalities and the list goes on and on.

The sheriff of NYE County, Nevada stopped federal agents from seizing a rancher’s cattle and even threatened to arrest the feds if they proceeded against his orders. Sheriffs in Wyoming have told the agents of all federal bureaus to check with them before serving any papers, making any arrests, or confiscating any property. Why? because they are doing their jobs that’s why!

The office of sheriff has a long and noble history. It dates back over a thousand years and originated in England. The sheriff is the only elected law enforcement official in America. He is the last line of defense for his citizens. He is the people’s protector. He is the keeper of the peace, he is the guardian of liberty and the protector of rights.

A vast majority of sheriffs will agree with all of this until they are asked to apply these principles of protection to federal criminals. Their backpeddling and excuses will be more plentiful than radar tickets and louder than sirens at doughnut time.

Most of the unbelievers, who themselves have taken a solemn oath to “uphold and defend” the U S Constitution, will passionately and even apologetically exclaim that they have no authority or jurisdiction to tell federal agents to do anything, let alone stop them from victimizing local citizens.

The truth and stark reality is that it’s just the opposite; the sheriff has ultimate authority and law enforcement power within his jurisdiction. He is to protect and defend his citizens from all enemies, both “foreign and domestic.”

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  1. Pingback: New Hampshire Horse Raid- Duct Taped License Plates « John Jacob H’s RKBA Commentary

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