Professor Gates, President Obama: Clyde Coffey Is Still Dead

It would be hard to find a better example of the self absorption exhibited by children of the “Age Of Aquarius” than the inane discussion conducted by President Obama and the Nattering Nitwits of the National Press about the arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates by Cambridge Police.

Seriously folks, We, The Public, should shed crocodile tears over the arrest of a Professor with more degrees than intelligence because he could not talk his way out of a routine investigation? And he teaches where? At Harvard? AND he wants to make the incident into some kind of racial issue?

Geez. A small reality check is in order.

In just five years, writer David Codrea CLICK HERE has amassed nearly 3,500 Police Misconduct Incidents in his (TM) “Only Ones” File; incidents that range the gamut from (but are not limited to) murder to rape to child molestation among other charges.


Before David Codrea’s (TM)”Only Ones” File there came the now defunct Bad Cop News, where, as the description on their masthead stated: Bad Cop News:10’s Of Thousands Of “Isolated Incidents” – Our Tax Dollars At Work


Before that, JJ Johnson of the equally defunct Sierra Times maintained an archive dubbed the Whack’em and Stack’em Files.


I, myself, here in this small humble blog of a few hundred daily hits have uncovered a ridiculous number of police misconduct reports to the point where I tire of the chronicle.

Police who invade the wrong address in SWAT Team garb, police who gratuitously shoot the family pet dog, who terrorize women and children over fabricated charges of illegal food sales(?!) and just generally leave a trail of mayhem and mischief where ever they go.


A surprising number of these incidents, if not the overwhelming majority, occur between white cops and white citizens.

Which brings us to the strange case of Clyde Coffey in North Carolina. CLICK HERE

In April of this year 76 year old (Caucasian) (male) (taxpayer)(Citizen)(Landowner) Clyde Coffey was turkey hunting on a remote parcel of land he owned in Wilkes County, North Carolina as he had for 25 years without incident when he was approached, shot and killed by (Caucasian) (male) Wildlife Enforcement Officer Mark Minton who alleges Clyde Coffey was engaged in illegal bait tactics.

In spite of a severely contaminated crime scene (caused by Emergency Medical Personnel and others) the State Bureau of Investigation has exonerated the conduct of Wildlife Enforcement Officer Minton and the County DA has declined to even present the case to a grand jury.

In a State that brought (recently) disgraced Prosecutor Mike Nifong to national attention, the inaction of the Wilkes County DA seems to reach the level of routine procedure.

Where is the national discussion or outrage over this case?

Professor Gates, President Obama, get over yourselves.

The issue is hardly racial profiling. The issue is Police Training.

Who writes the curriculum for these people and how have they become so isolated from their fellow Americans (Black or white?) that they shoot, kill and terrorize with impunity?

Professor Gates had a mild experience, probably because he is black.

Clyde Coffey is still dead.

Update: Be sure to visit the Traffic Stop and Police Encounter Tutorial CLICK HERE

One response to “Professor Gates, President Obama: Clyde Coffey Is Still Dead

  1. Interesting story about Clyde Coffey. I have been told to put my hands on the hood of the car more than once. Each time I answered “yes sir, no sir” and in each instance it ended satisfactorily for me. Had I taken Gates tack it would have ended ugly. The officer should have made the Biden observation that Gates was clean and articulate.

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