Catholic Gun Grabbers

While Americans have known about individual Catholics such as Rev. Michael Pfleger’s extreme gun control fanaticism for some time, most have considered him an aberration from Conservative Catholic Doctrine.

Today comes news gun control may have deeper roots in the Vatican and Catholic Faith…….


Disturbing Excerpt:

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The Catholic Church’s position on gun control is not easy to find; there are dozens of speeches and talks and a few documents that call for much tighter regulation of the global arms trade, but what about private gun ownership?

The answer is resoundingly clear: Firearms in the hands of civilians should be strictly limited and eventually completely eliminated.

But you won’t find that statement in a headline or a document subheading. It’s almost hidden in a footnote in a document on crime by the U.S. bishops’ conference and it’s mentioned in passing in dozens of official Vatican texts on the global arms trade.

UPDATE: As usual, you have to get up awfully early in the morning to beat David Codrea to a hot story! His comments here:


Ashley Carpenter, 9 Year Old Medal Of Honor Candidate

Newsflash: The World Is A Dangerous Place

Dateline: Tucson, Arizona

A funny thing happened on the way to the shopping mall: A member of the predatory Overlord Oligarchy who wished to ascertain the State Of the Union collided with a member of the predatory Underclass who left no doubt as to his point of view.

Hijinks ensued complete with the sound of gunfire.

When the gunfire ceased celebrity politician Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords barely clung to life while a substantial number of ordinary pedestrians who were unfortunate enough to be in the immediate vicinity sustained significant collateral and incidental damage-to include but not be limited to the death of a nine year girl.

Hardly a surprise to We, the Trampled, who have suffered under this oppression for the better part of a century,the incident nevertheless reverberated through the Royal Court inside the Washington DC Beltway.

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NC County Bans Target Practice

Ann Coulter Target Practice

As reported by Grass Roots North Carolina, Johnston County in North Carolina has undertaken to regulate the discharge of any projectile “within 600 feet of a dwelling”.

Those of you who have ever tried to find a place to plink an Air Rifle or practice with a compound bow or crossbow will understand the draconian nature of these “discharge weapons within city limits” ordinances.

Those of you who have yet to run afoul of these ordinances may welcome a short explanation.

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Police Open Carry Stop

This is one of those Mother-in-law drives your new Cadillac over the cliff type videos.

On one hand much happiness at the Officer’s wonderfully positive attitude toward the innocent citizen, on the other hand much consternation as he muzzle sweeps the traffic behind him with a weapon whose operation is unfamiliar to him.

To see other examples of open carry/Constitutional Carry CLICK HERE or HERE or HERE

The War On Food S510

Only a week ago the violent excesses of Bureaucracy in the War On Food under current law were documented here: CLICK LINK

To no avail.

The Senate just passed their version of an expanded and revamped FDA with the aid of 15 Republican Senators.

Our good friend, the Welshman, is mad as hell about it all in his latest Conservative Examiner Column. (As he should be!)



15 GOP senators help Democrats kill Constitution
Anthony G. Martin Conservative Examiner
November 30th, 2010 6:12 pm ET

In a stunning expansion of the power of unelected bureaucrats to control the population, the U.S. Senate voted today to approve S.510–the so-called ‘Food Safety Act.’ 15 GOP Senators helped Democrats pass the bill, which gives the FDA and the Agricultural Secretary powers the Constitution does not allow.

Not a single Democrat voted against the ominous measure, which was first submitted by ‘Little Dick’ Durbin, D-Illinois.

The bill gives sweeping powers to the FDA and the Secretary of Agriculture to make unilateral decisions, with no input from Congress, that can potentially shut down small family farms, particularly organic farmers.

TSA- So What?

Seems Almost Prophetic No?


A JohnJacobH Commentary

A dinnertime question arose: Any thoughts on the TSA Child Grope Clusterfoxtrot?

My answer: None I have not enumerated ad vomitus for most of my life.

To wit:

Americans have been figuratively groped and raped by Government for decades.

Remember the pop culture question: “Do you see the glass half empty or half full?”

It is a first order trick question of the type Government Bureaucrats love to ask.

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S510 Will Steal The Food From Your Mouth!

If you like the IRS you will love the new Food Safety Act Regulations whose passage will apparently break land speed records in the Lame Duck session of Congress.

Here at JohnJacobH Blog and Commissary we heard of our first food raid nearly two years ago.

Yup. SWAT team, guns drawn, the works. Really.

The criminals- a couple of women in their 20’s and some children who ranged in age from infancy to teenager were terrorized at gunpoint for several hours while officials packed up a YEAR’S supply of food and hauled it off to parts unknown.

Did I mention Dad was a Seabee deployed overseas in an Afghan Combat Zone at the time?

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The Bump Stock Returns

Two years ago RKBAians watched in amazement and horror as the saga of the Akins Accelerator unfolded in all its gory detail: CLICK LINK HERE

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Waco Jim Cavanaugh Lies Again!

Remember the War on the 1st Amendment that accelerated when Barry Soreto Obama was “immaculated” President Of the United States? CLICK LINK HERE and HERE and HERE.

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The Pledge Of Allegiance

Normally I would be the first to join any effort to “shake my fist in the tyrant’s face” but two recent incidents of spontaneous Pledge Of Allegiance outbreaks at League Of Women’s Voters Debates gave me pause.

The Pledge Of Allegiance is one of those spooky weird artifacts of Americana that require close examination by any patriot, Three Percenter or Oathkeeper before they join or support mindless recitatives at various public functions.

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